Wednesday, September 30, 2009
![]() I was able to sneak some time in world tonight and visit a new shop that I saw from a posting on plurk. .hc&co. is an absolutely adorable little shop that is bursting at the seams with potential. I was lucky enough to run into the owner and got to stand and talk to her while I did a bit of shopping. If you ever really wonder if posting your creations on plurk pays off, I am here as living proof that yes indeed it does! ![]() My initial reasoning for dropping by was the breast cancer awareness top (seen below) that Heather had plurked about. I hope that more people saw it and take a few minutes to get it, if nothing else. Even better would be if you just took a few minutes to wander around this delightful shop and picked up a few more things. Trust me, your essentials can all be found here and they are wonderful additions to your wardrobe. A couple of my favorite pieces are the shoes you see. I am the biggest sucker for flat shoes and these are so darn cute! I got them in both green and pink. The green pair are shown with a pair of ripped jeans and a green sweater that comes with a sweet little scarft. (See above, obviously) ![]() The pink shoes are shown here with the same jeans, unripped, and the breast cancer shirt that is set out for free right now. Also seen with this outfit is a very well done set of bangles on my wrist, everything findable in the same shop. This is another one of those stores that has good quality and very afordable prices! I spent my last couple hundred lindens here getting these pieces to share with you guys tonight. Mainly in the hopes of seeing more people visit .hc&co.! There is also a section with skins inside and to the right, be sure to try them! I will be doing skin reviews soon and may sneak back for a demo or two. ![]() Last here is the prize that will be handed out during the Dubloon Hunt which starts on October 1st and runs through the 22. This is a gridwide hunt for pirate-themed prizes so you really dont want to miss out. Shown, of course, is the gift for women but there is also a male gift included here for you guys that are being dragged around on grid wide hunts this month. You know you love getting gifts as much as we girls do, its ok to admit it! The dress (which you guys could also wear, we won't judge you, honest) comes with an top, glitch pants and skirt as well as the fantastic belt. Best of all, its pink! I've such a fondness for pink....couldn't you tell? ![]() I wasn't actually paying as much attention to the poses I used tonight as I normally do, but I am pretty darn sure these are all poses by Tuli. One of the poses came with the picnic table, but the rest can be found at Tuli's shop. Be sure to sneak by and get them too. I am off to bed at an insanely early hour tonight. Partly because its just been a long day. Partly because I haven't anything left that I want to do online tonight. Last, and certainly not least, partly because I don't like being online without my persons and its a really quiet night. I'm missing Sands far too much so sleep...yes, sleep is a good idea. For tomorrow: I will have an awesome skin review by the designer of [42]! I just got all of her items from the skin fair and will be taking a few really detailed pictures to share with you all. Be on the look out for it you wont want to miss this one. Have a great night all, and hope you end your hump day well! Dina's Duds: Clothing, Shoes, Jewlery: .hc&co. Hair: and Magika Skin: Belleza Pose: Tuli Labels: .hc and co., Avanista, Belleza, Fri.Day, Magika, Second Life, SL, Tuli |
![]() PixelDolls isn't just for sales, though I think most people may have gotten an insane amount of things from them during their recent retirement promotions. I have been a part of the PixelDolls update group for so long, and always stop by to get one thing or another when I see something new. I love their quality, the way they stand out and are so unique and, best of all for my pocket, their prices are so affordable. I think this is one designer that has it figured out. Offer items at a price people can afford and they will most likely still spend as much as they might on one outfit in another store. Only they walk out with more, and are happy. Happy customers often want to come back and shop again with the next release. I went in and picked up a few of their most recent dresses, this is just one of them and I adore it! Like I said recently, for some reason I have never worn a lot of browns or golds. That has changed this season and I am loving this choice of color for this dress style (it comes in a handful). I will be blogging another dress soon, as well as some of their other recent new items. I'm not quite as rambly today but I had missed a post for a day or two and needed to do an update. Sands left for a work trip this morning and I am about as dreary as it is outside right now. Actually, I do love this kind of weather so I am sure I will snap out of it...right about the time I know his plane lands him at home and he will be back with me safe and sound that is! Of course, that isn't to say I haven't had a chance to talk to him today but tonight is going to outright be missing something without him in my ears. I promise, I wont be all emo for the entire week(end). Honest! It's going to be an ok week(end), I am sure if it. Of course, the man should be ready to be pounced on when he gets home. I almost feel sorry for him, but its nice to be missed and know someone loves you so insanely. I know I know, stop it. Ok, off to toss together more looks to blog, that will keep me busy until Sunday gets here. it Sunday yet? Labels: Avanista, Belleza, Pixeldolls, Second Life, Shiny Things, SL, Truth, Vain |
Monday, September 28, 2009
![]() Rainy Monday mornings in which I am missing Sands like a crazy person leads to only one thing. Another shopping trip. Now, look, this isn't my fault. This is completely his fault for leaving me home alone today, I swear. It is also his fault because he is going to be gone for a few days starting on Wednesday and I am all mopey and down because, seriously, I am going to miss him. I know, what a sap, what a dork, what a...hopelessly in love nitwit I am! Stop judging me dang it, I've grown just a wee bit fond of the man and for some insane reason he puts up with me. He puts up with the shopping, the pictures, the hours of sitting on skype every single minute we are online together (hey, I'm not forcing him, I swear) and even my redecorating and moving kicks on SL. Which reminds me, I do believe we did a rather uh, well, nude picture the last time he logged in. I have since moved our entire home (again) and there is going to be some poor surprised soul on our old land when he logs in next. I shouldn't laugh....but I will. If I am being completely honest, I am looking forward to it. I'm in such trouble for that one, but it will be worth it! Back to the shopping and blaming Sands for everything, I got side tracked there a moment. I got to wake him up and get a few minutes of his time this morning before he got ready for work, trust me it helps. Its silly but just a small dose of his voice improves my mood, though it reminded me just how much the end of this week is going to stink! Luckily by then I will have more lindens to help support me through such trying times. *places the back of her hand dramatically against her forehead* Woe! I jest, of course, but will have much more time to blog, rambling on and on in plurk and over all pester people. Maybe it won't be such a horrid weekend after all! Save for that going nuts without him part. Oh its pitiful, just wait though, next week will be a bunch of 'Yay he is home' posts. I warned you, you may run now, I understand! As I stood in our home this morning plotting a few things I was also flipping through group notices as they came in and I saw this top from Malt. I do believe I TP'd out before even thinking twice about it. This beautiful, frilly, fluffy blouse comes in a variety of lovely colors and when I can I will be sneaking back for another later this week. I couldn't resist it and really didn't attempt to, I just walked right in and snagged it. So, I have a new resolve. You ready for this? Instead of no shopping, how about shopping only for a piece or two and always making sure to include something old that I already have? Totally new concept!! (Are we noting my sarcasm yet, or the I should have been doing this all along instead of getting something new every darn time tone? No? Blog fail!) This time I paired the blouse with a great pair of pants from Persona, Shiny Things shoes (I need to shop for more shoes, I have a shoe thang in SL but not RL, go figure) and one of my new favorite hairs from I thought it might not be bad to show off the new furniture I got last week by Belle...or is that Belle Belle, I'm not in game to peek but the slurl in the credits works. If you ever wonder if the ads on some blogs work, yes they do! That is how I found them and I adore this furniture. If I had more prims available I would have the entire set in my skybox. Poses are by Storin, looking forward to their next release of more too. When I sit and really think about it, and I do often, I am actually really surprised at how well things are going, and for how long they have been going this well. Life always has ups and downs, but lately? Its so many ups that I absolutely refuse to believe there is a down up ahead. RL is squeeking by, and working out really well. SL is still my escape, and my relationship with Sands just keeps getting stronger. In a world where SLationships (or is that SLelationships, or SLtionships or...look, you get the idea) don't often last for very long, I am literally amazed that we are fast approaching 6....months. Seriously, how many people thought it wouldn't last this long? Imagine your surprise when we make it a year? I wonder how many shopping trips I will be able to blame him for in the next 6 months.... its a good thing he loves me! ![]() Have a great Monday SLers, hopefully filled with all the love and happiness you each deserve, and see you all tomorrow! Dina's Duds Top: Malt Pants: Persona Shoes: Shiny Things Hair: Skin: Belleza Pose: .:StoRin:. Furniture: Belle Labels: Avanista, Belle, Belleza, Fri.Day, Malt, Persona, Second Life, Shiny Things, SL, Storin |
Sunday, September 27, 2009
![]() The fact that I shopped again is completely not my fault. When someone hands you lindens and its 50L Friday, its rather hard to resist. I only got a few things, not enough to completely toss my inventory count back to 42k.... and I ended up with this look because of it so it couldn't be all that bad now, could it? I've shopped at So Many Styles before and have a good gathering of their items already, but I had to pick up this top while I was there for the 50L Friday item. For some reason I have always strayed away from browns, but lately they have just been my preference. Paired with these great pants by Ty Zvezda and my (pulled from inventory I swear) Tesla boots, I think the top is perfect. Like many, I couldn't resist at least one of the new hairs by Truth and switched to a different make up from the Belleza fat pack I have been favoring. It took me a while to find something I was happy with, being accessory deprived, but this necklace from LeLutka is fantastic! Using a pose from LAP's 50L Friday bundle, I ended up with the above shot and am happy enough with it. Obviously, since I stayed in the same outfit until today to do a blog post! Everything has been rather quiet on this side of the grid lately. I see dozens of plurks about drama, people in down moods because of the things going on and I am blissfully ignorant at the moment as to the current shenanigans. I did happen to notice a few other updates while browsing the feeds this week and had a lingering thought or two I kept meaning to jot out. Its actually interesting, how some people make these huge proclamations about how Karma is and how everyone gets what they deserve. Of course, they always make these declarations while shouting out to the world how they have been wronged and the person who has wronged them should die in a fire, or some such thing. These same people, when Karma comes knocking at their door, will sit and just shrug it off. Its so easy to tell other people they are getting what they deserve, but when its you dealing with a few of life's low points? I could ramble on and on, and almost started to when I realized why bother? Deep down we all know what we do or do not deserve, and we will either sit back and wait for life to hand it to us or get off our duffs and go grab life by the balls and live it for all its worth. I've come to the conclusion that I need to finish what I started, with rearranging my life and cleaning out the toxic portions of it. Life is amazing, I am surrounded by fabulous people, and I fully intend on keeping it that way. Its not always easy to only keep people that are beneficial to your life around you, sometimes a stray may sneak in but now? I'm learning, every day. Bring me down in the slightest or even hint towards causing problems and you can be removed. Its that simple. Life is far too short and far to delightful to have its finest moments stolen by people and their...well, their karma. The only karma I need to deal with is plurk karma, and let me tell you...that karma is easy to manipulate! Hope you had a great weekend, SLers, and I am looking forward to an extremely productive week coming up. Will be a few blog posts, without a doubt, as I play in my inventory. I know, that's what I have been talking about a lot here but darn it all it has been a ton of fun so far! I have my ups and downs too but over all I am really enjoying my time on and the friends I am getting to spend time with. Don't even get me started on the fantastic amount of new friends I have been making! Here is to SL, the addiction and how it keeps sucking me back in...have an amazing evening all. I know I will! Dina's Duds Top: So Many Styles Pants: Ty Zvezda Boots: Tesla Necklace: LeLutka Skin: Belleza Hair: Truth Pose: LAP Furniture: Not So Bad Labels: Avanista, Belleza, LAP, Lelutka, Not So Bad, So Many Styles, Tesla, Truth, Ty Zvezda |
Thursday, September 24, 2009
![]() There was a mini-expansion in EQ2 a couple of days ago that left me in PvP heaven, so I didn't have a lot of time to work on my inventory. I did manage to unpack and locate a few great pieces, even better when paired up with others that were already lingering, unused, in my inventory. My favorite pieces from this is the belt from Tuli and the scarves from fairy tail. Absolute essentials, don't you think? The scarves came from one of the gumball machines at the GATCHA event. The pants are a pair of really really old jeans by Nyte N Day, and a piece I put on just to show people that old items are not out of date or just plain out useless. There are still some fabulousness left in them, and I love using them with the new items like the sweater from Mischief and the top by PACADI. We all know where the shoes are from by now, right? Say it with me...Shiny Things. Oh I heart thee. ![]() Nothing else much to update today, I know imagine that...a blog post where I don't ramble for too long! Heading out to handle errands and get a lil man a haircut, I need to see his adorable face again. Will be meeting up with Kerra for lunch and then a bit of shopping, always the best time with her! Just finished up a great 'weekend' with Sands and that massive PvPing. From gear to titles to achievements and a ton of laughter, its been an awesome couple of days. I hope everyone has an amazing weekend coming up. I will have a couple more posts, of course, as I tackle that inventory again. me? Dina's Duds Sweater: Mischief Tank: PACADI Pants: Nyte N Day Shoes: Shiny Things Belt: Tuli Hair: Truth Skin: Belleza Pose: Tuli Scarf: fairy tail Labels: Avanista, Belleza, fairy tail, Mischief, Nyte N Day, PACADI, Second Life, Shiny Things, SL, Truth, Tuli |
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
![]() For some reason, today, my pictures look really different in edit mode than they do when I upload them. I wish I had enough time to completely redo them, but I have far to much to do today than play with pictures all afternoon. Oh, how I wish I could though! Today is, officially, this avs 2nd rez-day! I got to spend the morning hanging out with my best friend (Love ya tons Kerra) and am looking forward to an evening with Sands of course. Neither of which will make fun of my off shaded body parts from these pictures.... ok, maybe. Lets just pretend I had pants on all summer and my feet got tanner... just, just go with it people! ![]() These shots were taken using the poses that come with the garden area you see, as well as one from LAP (above). This is the new garden and land that I have in SL, and I honestly could only be happier if I had more prim's to play with. I finally have the gardens I have wanted, without unwanted trash right behind my land. Without the worry of people just dropping in, except for the few people I want to drop in, and without a club or store right next door! The land I am renting is beautiful and the neighbors have been fantastic so far. This is what SL living should be and I will be including more shots of the area soon. ![]() Later I will get the outfit credits for Kerra, but for me I am wearing feet by SLink (they just dont look right in these images, but I swear they blended perfectly in game and in my editing idea what is up today) and another outfit by MIEL. Yes, its a MIEL week I guess. I just love this little outfit, perfect for the gardener in me. I have to keep spring with me somehow as we approach Autumn and Winter. So glad we are finally out of Summer! I am happily dragging out pants and sweaters and as I organized in SL I am finding so many that I will be blogging in the future. Tonight, I raid in EQ2, may slip in for a game of Greedy in SL, and have an over all fantastic evening. The plans are laid out, but even the best set plans for Sands and I get turned over once we log in. He has been extremely sweet the last few weeks, I suppose it just shows how being happy can affect someone, so we have been having a blast again. Its nice to put aside things that don't need our energy or focus, and just move on day to day being happy. I have had some amazing conversations with new and old friends about the recent shenanigans and am extremely comforted by the fact that they see things very similar to how I saw them. I'm not so crazy after all! Well, unless you are looking at my inventory... still a little crazy over that. Hey, I am working on it! Honest! is my 2nd rezday on Dina...I think that should excuse me from that no shopping deal, don't you? Dina's Duds Outfit: Miel Feet: SLink Hair: Magika Skin: Belleza Pose: LAP Labels: Avanista, Belleza, LAP, Magika, Miel, Second Life, SL, SLink |
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
![]() In my effort not to shop I had been debating on visiting the jewelry fair. There are gifts, so that counts as not shopping, right? Lets not pay attention to the fact that I would probably give in to temptation, that isn't the point here, I was going just to window shop and pick up a few gifts. Honest. Really. Stop looking at me like that. I was fiddling with outfits and checking out my ARC when I gave up completely and started tossing together a new look of the day. The jeans and sweater here are from Mischief, I don't think I need to explain my torrid love affair with her again now do I? I went to her most recent sale and stocked up because it is a sickness, and one that I am very happy with as I pad my Mischief folder yet again. Coupled with a tank and belt from MIEL, who I told you I visited the other day, I absolutely fell in love with this look! I tossed on one of the few hairs I have from, a pair of flats from 50 Flats and tada! Oh piffle, my ARC is over 700. I suppose that means I wont be heading out to the fair after linden balance thanks you ARC, as does my inventory count. Until I change again, that is.... ![]() I haven't had much of a chance to talk about it lately, but I am still enjoying my online time so much lately. I think my lack of sleep is catching up to me, but its so worth it. Things in EQ2 are working out nicely, gearing up and leveling my alt, Sands was just asked to be the raid leader and giving a ton more responsibility again in our current guild. Its always so nice to sit and listen to people recognize his leadership skills and how good he is at tanking our raids. Even better now that he can run them, as they did need a bit more organization. I always look forward to raiding and spending time with him. Speaking of which, tonight we raid, tomorrow will bring a new look of the day, and I promise, no shopping!! Labels: 50 Flats, Avanista, Belleza, Fri.Day, LAP, MEIL, Mischief |
Monday, September 21, 2009
![]() A serious quicky today, I logged in to sit and go through some of the inventory I have been fussing about for months. SL, however, had different ideas. I got through a handful of things and hey, if I do a little bit every day sooner or later it will be done, right? If I can stop shopping long enough, and since I am low on L's that shouldn't be a problem at all! My focus is on RL right now though, honestly. The joys and pain of having pets has reared its ugly head. While are cats are purely inside pets, the dogs are always outside. A few weeks ago when one of those, I mean dogs, they are into the house I knew, I just knew it would be trouble for me down the road. Now, it is. So, while I have time to do a fast look of the day post (something I found in an old hunt folder, imagine that, I think its kinda cute) the rest of my days here are going to be spent doing a bit of mad cleaning. Why? Because tomorrow I am bombing this house so hard that the fleas across the street are going to die too. Yes, fleas! I hate bugs but fleas are on the top of that list. Right next to lice (oh so lucky on that account, no lice for any of my kids....yet?) and spiders. The perk, this is going to kill spiders too, along with any other bug that might even think about living in my home. After that its yet another massive cleaning. Let me just say, cleaning with kids is like shoveling snow in a blizzard, it never ends. This isn't going to be the every day sort though, I am talking massive through out twenty bags of junk kind of cleaning. Spring cleaning in the fall, its worth doing 2, 3 even 4 times a year. If only I could pay someone else to do it for us! So, this look comes from INDI designs, shoes from Shiny Things and hair from Magika. I don't often wander with this look, although when I first made Dina this is what I was! Grunge, and a neko to boot! Some of the friends I havent seen in forever are always surprised when we do cross paths, because I lost the red hair ears and tail. I still enjoy it from time to time, love it actually. I believe this was a gift from a Valentines Day hunt, but they have some awesome items out for you so go visit. Take the fleas with you.... Dina's Duds Outfit: INDI Designs Shoes: Shiny Things Skin: Belleza Hair: Magika Pose PolyWall (one pose not included): Diesel Works Labels: Avanista, Belleza, Diesel Works, INDI Designs, Magika, Second Life, SL |
Sunday, September 20, 2009
![]() We all knew that 'no shopping' deal wouldn't even last one day, right? I was doomed the moment I checked my emails this morning and saw an update waiting from Doomed, I say! How could I resist going and picking up a few things when we have been waiting for an update from them for weeks? I couldn't, that's how! I managed to walk out with only a couple of tops, the pants seen here and two hairs. This adorable pony is one of them and it comes with bangs (as shown) and without. I have a forehead that goes on forever, apparently, so I had to choose the one with bangs. ![]() I am always on the hunt for new shoes and jewelry, accessories have never been my strong point, so I took a random shoe slurl from the feeds and ended up at Miel. This was a huge mistake. I ended up with more clothing, these adorable shoes and jewelry set and the intention to go back and get more. You know, when my 'no shopping' promise is fullfilled. I may need to have my own yard sale here soon just to fund my shopping...I mean, my no shopping. Oh who am I kidding..... ![]() What I haven't shopped for lately are poses! So, I did a bit of wandering around, hopping on pose stands and walked off very happily with this pose box from Diesel Works. It comes with a large variety of textures for the walls and over 20 poses to choose from. Each are adjustable: position, rotation and the likes, and fantastic! I look forward to playing with it as I take pictures of the five hundred and two things I need to unpack and blog. I should get started on that being 'productive' concept! Right after a nap.... Dina's Duds Shirt, Pants & Hair: Shoes & Jewelry: Miel Skin: Belleza Pose Box: Diesel Works Labels: Avanista, Belleza, Diesel Works, Fri.Day, Miel, Second Life, SL |
Saturday, September 19, 2009
I did a bit more digging in my inventory today and found hundreds, upon hundreds of packages that have sat unopened for far too long. From hunts, to DSN items to group gifts and blogger review packages I didn't even realize I had, my inventory needs a massive overhaul! Anyone with a shopping addiction in SL knows how an inventory can explode if you aren't careful, I apparently was not careful. My inventory count is currently sitting just under 42k, getting lower by the minute though! I mentioned my over indulgence on plurk and was promptly grounded from shopping. *twitches* I can stop, any time I want! Luckily, I didn't do any of this digging until after I went out and visited a couple of places I saw mentioned on a fellow blogger s blog. I resisted the exact outfit (though I did purchase it, the pants are a dollarbie, I couldn't resist...I didn't try!) that was blogged here. I then spent the remainder of my day wandering around in these jeans and shirt from oyakin, and bare foot! Oyakin is another one of those stores that has adorable pieces at prices that make me buy fat packs. Some of which were half off I might add. ![]() So, for the next couple (or even few) weeks I will most likely be blogging a lot of pieces that might seem a bit older, but hey...I bet you have them in your inventory too and they are sitting unused! Just because its an older pieces doesn't mean it isnt still perfectly good mixed in with other pieces. I am hoping to shave off about 20k *gulps* from my inventory this month...anyone want to lay odds on if I will be able to resist shopping and can reduce the load by that much? I think I might just bet against myself! Dina's Duds Clothing: Oyakin Feet: SLink Hair: Truth Skin: Belleza Labels: Avanista, Belleza, Oyakin, Second Life, SL, SLink, Truth |
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
I normally have this really, horrible bad habit in SL. When I come in and know that I intend to make a blog post, I will go out and shop for an outfit instead of just hunting through, mixing and matching, and reworking the things I already have. When I do that, I not only buy one or two things for a blog post, but a handful of others that ultimately will just sit in my inventory, never to be worn or seen again. The problem seems to be so many amazing designers, and so many new releases that it takes a lot of shopping to keep up. When I was newer, and I am talking 2005, 2006, and the like, it was so much easier. There were only a few designers that I was completely in love with and they weren't doing new releases every single week so I had time to save my money, or earn more. ![]() I don't have the time, or the inventory space, to shop like I used to. That doesn't seem to stop me most days! This week I kept control and dug deep into my inventory. I came up with this absolutely adorable dress by eLDee that had been sitting in my inventory for a while. I didn't exactly like the thin straps and started looking for a shrug and found this fantastic, partially off the shoulder cardigan, sweater by Coco. It was a great look for the amazingly sweet hair by Truth and one of my favorite shoes (owned in many colors, thank you so much) by Shiny Things. Shiny Things is another of my loves, the shoes make me squeel, footless as they are. ![]() Over the years since I first joined SL (Feb 2005, it seems so long ago) designers have had such vast improvement I almost don't ever look at the items I bought so long ago. At the time I thought they were amazing, and in many ways I still do. Those key pieces, parts, memories even, all of which were transferable before the bulk of copying and such started. See, in reality, Dina could be considered an 'alt' even though she is the only avatar within SL that I will play. The first character sits there, cold and neglected, simply because I wanted to start over with a new 'doll' a couple of years ago. However, my use of an alt differs greatly from the way many might use one...and I consider her my main, one and only, avatar. That isn't to say I didn't consider moving to another alt, a new avatar and starting fresh, back when tidbits of drama flopped into my life. I even attempted to talk someone else into going with me. I strongly debated it for a few days, mainly out of frustration I believe than the need to run away and hide again. I have always told people "What you see is what you get" with me, so why change that? Some people use an alt to run away from situations they would just rather not deal with, like I almost did. Some people, however, use them to begin attacking people, manipulating them and showing off to others who see them and their behavior (which would normally be deemed inappropriate if it had been done on their more public 'main' account, or could ruin their business, the list goes on and on), as well as to otherwise hurt or cause harm. In this world of great anonymity, its a little disheartening to look around and wonder just who you may be talking to. I lurk a lot on plurk, sometimes its just best to sit and watch, observe and learn about others. A phrase I saw a while back has stuck with me and rings so very true in regards to alts and the people that use them to say things they wouldn't as themselves. Granted, this was said in response to a back stabbing friend, and it certainly applies to them as well, but when it comes to alts and the friends that might be hiding behind them? "I would rather have a true enemy, than a fake friend." ![]() Again, in a world where you can be anonymous in so many ways, its easy to put yourself out there as one personality: Perfectly kind, never says a harsh word to a soul, and surrounded by friends and a successful business. All while using an anonymous alt to: Rip the same people apart, ruin their businesses and let out all the aggression you withhold on your 'perfect' avatar. I have to wonder what kind of real life a person might have, what might be causing them such discontentment to have multiple alternate accounts on networking sites or within SL. So many accounts that no matter how many times they are banned, they can turn around the next day and begin their assault again. Yes, I do indeed see this type of behavior as assault. Verbal assault, hands down. Especially if they have to use account after account to come in and slam a person down that has one, nothing to do with them any more nor even mentioned them and are two, actually sharing how happy they are. If someone sharing that they are happy causes you enough grief that you feel the need use an anonymous account to poke at them, then I would highly suggest a new hobby or form of entertainment because you are then taking this one far too seriously. This entire rambling post stems from my being attacked on a plurk by Sands, simply to get to him. I find that low, and only a coward with no life would come out and attack a person someone loves in order to get a reaction out of them. Sadly for the troll, I don't take it personally. Some people cant help their issues, and I won't take offense for them, especially since its blatantly obvious how clueless people, and their alts, really are. The best part is every attack just brings us closer, strengthens our bond and phases us less and less with each wave. Thick skin, and all that jazz. Granted, there are other uses for alts, I wont deny that. Business alts, alts for pleasure, alts for fun, alts for....ok lets just leave it at: there are other reasons for alts. I just wish that however someone might choose to play your alt, you take care of how your behavior and actions affect other people. As for me, myself and I, we are all going to stay on one avatar from here on out, just as I have since I let go of my first Second Life. Who has time for anything else? As it is it took me all day to write out this blog post, between RL and spending some time with Sands on his weekend, I hardly have enough time for everything I want to do as me. Though, that reminds me, I have had a fabulous last couple of days. The only reason I am not looking forward to Friday is because Sands has to work. Nasty habit, that. I'm still sitting in skype with him, get a bit more time too, and I miss him already. Lucky for me I get to wake him up in the morning! Have a great Friday everyone, and your alts too! Dina's Duds Dress: :::eLDee::: Cardigan: Coco Shoes: Shiny Things Skin: Belleza Hair: Truth Poses: Tuli Labels: Avanista, Coco, eLDee, Second Life, Shiny Things Belleza, SL, Truth, Tuli |
Sunday, September 13, 2009
If you are a part of any social network for SL, outside of SL, you see a large amount of people participating from the fashion or blogging community. This is a great way for them to get their merchandise seen, or meet even more people that would be so inclined to come to their stores and do a bit of linden indulging, and all for free. You also see a handful of people that use the networking sites to be extremely verbal about their thoughts and opinions. Sometimes these comments spark fabulous debates, other times great arguments. Over all, though, I think it leaves a greater gathering of people wishing they could voice their own opinions, but because they make their living on SL, are afraid to do so. This is the power that some of the bloggers have obtained, and I am not talking about the awesome fashion posts, more so the gossip blogs that no one really wants to be featured on. Designers, big and small, are opt to be silent about topics because they would like to avoid being a headline in any negative form, and that is rather understandable. Even to me, someone who gets nothing out of SL other than it being a form of entertainment and a venue to meet people and do extra socializing. I suppose, somewhere along the line, I not only realize that 'Grand Illusion' and my header line might lead me down a path of being more vocal about controversial topics withing Second Life, but I intended it to be that way. Instead, for a period of time, I became one that was afraid to speak up simply because I didn't mind being in the shadows and doing my own little thing. I suppose I have been shifting gears back to my original intent for a while now, singling out things that were more of a concern to my SL, RL, online life. I've sat by and bit my tongue about a lot of other topics that could use a lot more exposure, if only to get people involved that might otherwise be afraid to say anything. You can label it any way you like, honestly, but this is my sounding board, why not use it as such? Some people make the choice to go anon and start raising their voice about topics, I could also do that. However, why not just be me. The same person I have always been, with just as strong opinions, and put them out there instead of holding them in to the point of frustration. The LOTD posts will most likely just be introductions to other topics, but they will remain the primary focus of the blog really. What brought this on you ask? Oh, you didn't ask? Well, I'm telling you anyway! After the last few months, and the things I have sat through, I figured if my true friends can see me for me and stay by my side through all of that, what else do I need to hide for? Why not come out and be as vocal as I would be about topics in RL? Why not open my mouth and share the thoughts in my head without being passive aggressive? Why not! More changes are coming my way, so many things in the works, collaborations, projects, the list goes on and on. So, we are all here, living within our own Grand Illusion, and I look forward to seeing where this all leads. As for my day, I spent it split between a few loves. My RL, Sands and Kerra. I am thankful for the time they all have spent with me today, especially since I am having to just sit and not 'do' much at all while recovering. My SL time was with Kerra, attempting to find a good pose and concept for a picture. I was extremely picky though, this was the only thing I ended up happy with. The outfits are by Digital Knickers and I will update SLURLS tomorrow when I am able to log in again. I spent my morning on the phone with Sands while he was at work. Because of recent issues, we just hadn't had enough time together so I seriously savored the time just relaxing, and talking about everything that came to mind. Of course, he is back in my ears now and I am looking forward to an amazing evening with him. Have a fabulous night SLers, and lets get started on an awesome week!! Labels: Avanista, Digital Knickers, Second Life, SL |
Saturday, September 12, 2009
This entry is going to be long, fair warning, and its going to be a subject most people will not fully understand. I can accept that tonight, finally. Over the last couple of weeks many people, friends and some surprising, out of the blue new contacts, have sent me messages letting me know of things being said (blogged, plurked, you get the idea) that they felt I might need to respond to. At the time I glanced over them, had a few very helpful conversations, received invaluable amounts of advice, and let myself sit on the information for a while before opening my mouth. I debated long and hard about making any type of comment, obviously deciding to do so here after letting myself digest it and respond in a clear headed, mature way. Most people, those that know me, don't know me, glance at my blog or, from any other source, know that I am involved with Sands here within SL, and the other online game we play EQ2. My choice in that matter seems to have caused a bit of a stir, so much so that there are a couple of people that feel the need to consistently proclaim that I am now in an 'abusive' relationship. I didn't exactly do a good job in ignoring these accusations in the past, making my own comments in my blog entries to show the opposite to be true. I also tried to just let it go because, quite honestly, its not worth my time or energy to focus on people that have no clue about what is going on in my life, or my relationship. This month, however, it was taken too far by declarations that Sands is abusive and that contrary to my public displays or comments, I am being abused. I was told by someone I consider very wise, that whenever we are on the 'over' side of a relationship, anything and everything that the other person you were involved with had done can be manipulated and twisted into abuse. I could come up with things that my ex's have done and say 'I was in an abusive relationship' all I want. Perhaps I might even think that myself, and that would be my choice. That does not, however, always make it true. Nor does it mean they will never find a person or a relationship again, or that they will be abusive in that relationship simply because I felt they were so to me. What surprises me the most right now, is that this particular person is spending a great deal of time laying out in great detail aspects of a relationship that was obviously not right, for either person involved and has been over for, well, coming close to a year now. Each person has moved on to another relationship, yet the need to cry out 'abuse' over and over again seems to prevail. I think its wrong, I think the things she is saying are ridiculous and to drag their relationship out and paint him as an abuser is flat out cruel. I am not going to spend more time in this post focusing on that relationship past this paragraph. It was not a good relationship, the people in it, and around it, can attest to that. The person coming out and painting themselves as a victim in it can continue all they want, and others will automatically empathize because that is human nature, its what we do. We offer compassion and comfort to someone we think was wronged, regardless of what the truth may be or the flip side of the coin, so to speak. It is not my place to come in and comment on what they did to each other, I am going to leave that to the person being publicly dragged through the mud on it. When backed into a corner, we know that isn't going to go guys are on your own with dealing with it, because I feel he is entitled, fully. I am, finally, going to step up and put a stop to the assumptions that I am being abused by Sands. If anything, I have been abused not only by people that claimed to be my friends (just two, mind you, this will be explained in a moment) but by Sands ex who has come in and verbally attacked me on my own blog, his, and in other venues and has proclaimed I should 'get used to it.' Apparently because she feels her relationship was abusive with him, that entitles her to come and say as she pleases to me. Its a touch confusing, considering I do not know, or have ever had any other interactions with the woman, but if that makes her feel better.... Unlike some, I am not a victim here, I understand her issues (and they are, hers) and feel nothing in regards to her comments or abusive behavior. I have not, and will not take them personally considering the fact that, again, I do not know her, she does not really know me. Let me be perfectly clear, this isn't about being a victim, this is about defending someone I love, very deeply. There are so many things that Sands does for me, but you can easily turn them around and make them abusive right? Here, like this, I mean, this guy should be taken out back and beat with a stick. Let me get one....
I could also go on, for days really. I could include some physiological interpretation of the how's and why's. The truth of the matter is, when you almost lose something (see one of my points in which I explain my surgery, yep, its drama, but I *am* terrified of going under and tend to get dramatic when worried) or you feel like you could easily lose something, you start to realize what is important in life. I've tried for a long time not to really do this point by point type of post, but some just don't seem to get it. In all honesty, I would actually appreciate it if people would stop telling me about the things these people say. Thank you for looking out for me, and for us, but you can stop worrying, we are very much ok. I've defended or supported him and us in my own way, by showing what we are instead of fighting against what someone else is determined to convince the world of what he was. Feel free to read things on your own, and come to your own conclusion. Sharing the positive aspects of my relationship, and the ways that we are happy together, is defense enough. All of this as we come upon one of my weekends. Its going to be an amazing night, and perfect weekend, even through the pain of recovery right now. There is also likely to be another long post coming, with pictures and meaning behind them that will simply surprise some. I look forward to it, that shock factor. Until then, I hope you all have an amazing weekend, filled with people you love and focusing on the happiest times and things in your life. If you made it through my long post, its a miracle. Good thing I believe in miracles, I am living in one right now, and can't wait for each day and what it will bring me. Wishing that to everyone out there tonight...and always. Dina's Duds Well, its a face...this should be easy. Skin: Redgrave Hair: Zero Style Eyes: Uh, I forget and don't even wear them, will update! |
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
This post will be more picture heavy than text heavy, but I was flipping through and organizing my flickr account and felt the need here. Aside from the fact that I love how my av looks with Sands, I wanted to give credit where it was due to how and why these pictures really look the way they do. I have an arsenal of poses, animations (not those kind, pervs...ok maybe one or two) and I know people usually toss a bit of credit to the pose creator, but I think they need a lot more mention than they get! The following pictures were all created using poses by Meya. I have almost all of them, because I cannot resist popping over to her store and buying them the moment I see a notice. Those I don't have, sooner or later I will! Because of my av size, there is sometimes a need to do the smallest amount of tweaking, but 9 times out of 10 I am able to use them without adjusting a thing. I first heard about Meya while using a social network for SL, and have loved them ever since. If you haven't taken someone over to try out some of their poses and pick up a few, you are certainly missing out. A huge thanks to Sands for putting up with me and my photo obsession. He is always a good sport, and honestly seems to enjoy it almost as much as I do. Get tired of them if you will, but I fully intend to share more of the work I have done, and will be doing, with him. Getting to spend hours in the arms of the man you love while working on something that comes out looking amazing? Mmhmm, what could be better? Take a taxi to Meya! |
Sunday, September 6, 2009
I know what you are gonna say, good grief, not these people again. I admit I have been obsessing over the same few people time and time again on my blog lately but I can't help myself, I am in love with them and I suppose this is my outlet for the amazing things in my life right now. Sure, I will get back to venting and being miserable when something happens, be ready for it you drama whores! (I'm jesting, by the way, I don't think you are all drama whores, just that one there, and maybe that one over there...and, ok you get the idea!) For now, you are stuck with sickeningly sweet and happy posts. Hence the title of this post, it's sick to be this happy, I know. Get used to it, with particular people in mind because honestly this is where my energies are spent. Nope, not going to turn into some psychobabble about what other people should or shouldn't do, just going to live and let live. Its amazingly freeing to do so, and I am very thankful for the people that remain in my life and are here to share it with me. That's SL, EQL and RL! I think its unhealthy to smile this much, my cheeks kinda hurt lately. Its nice to hurt from something like that, dontcha think? ![]() Anyway, today I was SO amazingly lucky to get to spend some time off n on with Kerra. We did a wee bit of shopping (ok it was only a wee bit because we are broke, we need SLjobs so we can stop being SLobs...shush, it made me giggle) and I asked her if she would mind being part of my blog post today. Yep, she went kicking and screaming into the studio and skybox with me, can you tell how upset she is? Was even devastated when I dragged her to the beach for some pictures too! Poor Kerra. Someone should save her now I say! The very top picture is outfits we each came up with purely from Mischief. Somehow I started neglecting my store updates as they came through and completely missed Mischief's latest releases! Unacceptable!! I have always loved outfits that come together, really makes it easy but Mischief always puts out the best seperates and I could easily live daily on just her clothing. She is awesome, expect to see more of her. Just, cuz I can. After that I saw a notice from LAQ about new clothing there. Now, I have not once gone into their clothing section before. Why is that? How did I get stuck on just hair (which I never wear, its so not me, doesn't work on my head shape) and skin (which I also don't wear, but I do adore their skins, wish they would work on my features as well...maybe some tweaking...wait, don't let me buy more skins! Nooooo...) but their clothing I will wear! Some of this stuff is beautiful and as soon as I get my SLob self out there to make more SLindens, wait that one doesnt work so well does it...whatever.... I will be returning for at least three more things. Just three, because I made myself stop looking! We picked up their newest swimwear and lingerie and came up with the remaining pictures. I had another lingerie picture in mind but somehow didn't hit 'snapshot' because I got distracted but will be including it later, so look for it! I think Kerra looks hawt, darn tall thin blonde makes me look like a lil tub o'dark hair here! Actually, naw, I think we both look good, so much so I will be doing more pictures soon. I really enjoy editing and playing with them, so I suppose you will be doomed to see more of us and our shining faces! I hope everyone had a fantastic weekend! My RL one is coming to an end, still a bit of it tomorrow of course. My 2nd weekend with Sands starts tomorrow as well! I'm extremely excited about a bit of extra time with him and then his 2 normal days off that he takes during the week simply because it fits our schedules best. He knows I can't be on as much during the day on the real weekends, so he actually reworked his own days off so it wasn't interfering with any of my RL priorities. It really is nice to know that I am one of his priorities, enough that he is willing to do that so we can have time together. At some point tonight our alts are going to hit the level we want and he is going to actually do some shopping for my dirge, get her a bit of gear and weapon, at least until our shard work is done. All of this is greek to most of you, I know, it just happens to be one of the many things we have going on right now. I am determined to have even better pictures for this week, so if you see me dragging Kerra, or Sands around, kicking and screaming (like I said before) its all for my blog addiction. Try and toss them a sympathetic glance, aw what they do for me *hugs em and loves them to pieces* Dina's Duds (and Kerra too) Clothing pieces from: Mischief LAQ Shoes from: Armidi Hairs from: Fri.Day Truth Magika Skins from: Belleza Redgrave Poses by: Semotion Labels: Armidi, Avanista, Belleza, Fr.Day, LAQ, Magika, Mischief, Redgrave, SEMOTION, Truth |
Saturday, September 5, 2009
![]() As I lay trying to sleep last night I had this entire blog post written out in my mind. I told myself then to grab my cell and jot down some notes, but no, I am too stubborn for that. I will remember, no problem. Hmm, guess who didn't remember it all? I fell asleep and slept like the dead until 8am this morning, when I needed to call Sands and make sure he got his butt out of bed for work. The man could sleep through a war, I swear, but he woke up with only two phone calls this morning! Progress! (He is so gonna bonk me for that) Even better was getting to sit and talk to him while he was at work, before anyone else was in. I am always startled by how much time he actually sits to just talk, and while I don't envy him his cell bill, I can't seem to stop rambling on with him! The last few days have reminded me, yet again, why I am with Sands and why I feel so happy lately. This doesn't just affect me online, this has improved my mood offline and people around me notice how much more I have going on. My best friend even commented on how it seems there is new life in me. There is, his. He has so much become a part of me that I am still surprised by it, even more so by some of the things he says! Now, most people have preconceived notions about him, which I can understand to a point, however that just isn't the person I have come to love so deeply. The person I find myself so lost in is the one that has 'I love you so damn much' in one of his macros in EQ2, and sits on skype with me laughing for hours as we level our alts or do any of a million different things. The one that sits with me and watches movies, talks about mundane things and even asks my opinion on things he has going on in his own RL. He is the same one that once told me 'I guess sometimes you have to go through hell, to get to heaven.' and shows me in so many ways that he wants me happy. Certain people can bring the worst out in you, but sometimes you are blessed with someone that brings out the best. I know, enough of that, right? Lets talk about comfort. My outfit today is so darn comfortable I would wear it on my weekends in RL, running errands, chasing little people, all those things you have to get done in style. I know, I always compare my SL style with my RL one, I can't help it, Dina is more me than I first thought she would be. The top is by Refuge, jeans by Pixeldolls and the shoes are just the bottom portion of my favorite boots by Kitties Lair. Hair is one of the newest styles by Truth, he needs to stop the releases for a while so my L balance can recover! Be sure to visit these stores sometime this weekend! I hope everyone has a fabulous long weekend, those that are celebrating Labor Day. Tomorrows look should be better...this was yet another quicky! Dina's Duds Boots: Kitties Lair Top: Refuge Pants: Pixeldolls Hair: Truth Skin: Belleza Labels: Avanista, Belleza, Kitties Lair, Pixeldolls, Refuge, Truth |
Thursday, September 3, 2009
![]() I have always loved buying different journals or loggers in RL, so when I saw this journal with a typing over ride at Scribble I didn't even hesitate to buy it. I don't always put my thoughts and feelings out for everyone to see, blogging in the SL community is a very different release for me personally. However, I love having a place to let out those thoughts that other wise would just be rattling around in my mind until I go insane with trying to deal with them. From poetry and prose to short stories, taking pen to paper is an amazing release. Nope, not typing, actual pen to paper! Old fashioned, I know, imagine that. ![]() Visible through the above and below image, when you type (make sure your typing animation is set on through preferences and the advanced debug menu) you open up the journal and start to write. You have the option of buying a book with a certain image on the inside, or the fat pack with all of their different choices. I went with the fat pack, their prices are so reasonable trust me, you won't be able to resist their bundles! I have a nice thick folder full of Scribble goodies to share over the next few weeks, so if you haven't taken a moment to go visit them you really should! Absolutely adorable items, play things, the studio I previously blogged, just go already! ![]() The first and last image in this entry also include another fun pose piece that I picked up a few weeks ago from CnS. This table has single poses as well as couple *cough* poses. Will be using it as a featured piece soon as well, I have fallen in love with props in Second Life! Dare I say it, I have set aside some of my L's from shopping for clothing for toys and pose pieces like these now. However, the outfit I put together today needs mention of course! The shirt, pants, shoes and necklace are all from [Coquette.], the belt from Maitreya and the hair is from Fri.Day (who will be having a sale soon, keep an eye out for that). Thats really about it for SLness lately. I had a fabulous 'weekend' the last couple of days with Sands, which would be why I didn't really get a chance to get a blog post out until today. I did manage to sneak in and get another picture done, showing off the new Belleza skin he got me. I am so picky about skins that I wandered around in a demo skin of theirs for a week before he said oh here, and just got me the fat pack. Yes, the fat pack of a skin...I never do that! Ever! I couldn't say thank you enough, I know its a small thing really but ooo I do love the skins. Haven't really had a lot of online time this week and his weekend will be filled with family and RL activities, so bloggage may be quiet again for a couple of days. Hopefully some of you will visit the mentioned stores and get a few things, SL is far more than just clothing and accessories...get out there and have some fun this weekend!! I know I will be, and I can't wait! Dina's Duds: All Clothing: [Coquette.] Belt: Maitreya Hair: Fri.Day Skin: Belleza Table with poses: CnS Journal with typing over ride: Scribble Labels: Avanista, Belleza, CnS, Coquette, Fri.Day, Maitreya, Scribble, Second Life, SL |