Saturday, September 19, 2009
I did a bit more digging in my inventory today and found hundreds, upon hundreds of packages that have sat unopened for far too long. From hunts, to DSN items to group gifts and blogger review packages I didn't even realize I had, my inventory needs a massive overhaul! Anyone with a shopping addiction in SL knows how an inventory can explode if you aren't careful, I apparently was not careful. My inventory count is currently sitting just under 42k, getting lower by the minute though! I mentioned my over indulgence on plurk and was promptly grounded from shopping. *twitches* I can stop, any time I want! Luckily, I didn't do any of this digging until after I went out and visited a couple of places I saw mentioned on a fellow blogger s blog. I resisted the exact outfit (though I did purchase it, the pants are a dollarbie, I couldn't resist...I didn't try!) that was blogged here. I then spent the remainder of my day wandering around in these jeans and shirt from oyakin, and bare foot! Oyakin is another one of those stores that has adorable pieces at prices that make me buy fat packs. Some of which were half off I might add. ![]() So, for the next couple (or even few) weeks I will most likely be blogging a lot of pieces that might seem a bit older, but hey...I bet you have them in your inventory too and they are sitting unused! Just because its an older pieces doesn't mean it isnt still perfectly good mixed in with other pieces. I am hoping to shave off about 20k *gulps* from my inventory this month...anyone want to lay odds on if I will be able to resist shopping and can reduce the load by that much? I think I might just bet against myself! Dina's Duds Clothing: Oyakin Feet: SLink Hair: Truth Skin: Belleza Labels: Avanista, Belleza, Oyakin, Second Life, SL, SLink, Truth |