Wednesday, September 16, 2009
I normally have this really, horrible bad habit in SL. When I come in and know that I intend to make a blog post, I will go out and shop for an outfit instead of just hunting through, mixing and matching, and reworking the things I already have. When I do that, I not only buy one or two things for a blog post, but a handful of others that ultimately will just sit in my inventory, never to be worn or seen again. The problem seems to be so many amazing designers, and so many new releases that it takes a lot of shopping to keep up. When I was newer, and I am talking 2005, 2006, and the like, it was so much easier. There were only a few designers that I was completely in love with and they weren't doing new releases every single week so I had time to save my money, or earn more. ![]() I don't have the time, or the inventory space, to shop like I used to. That doesn't seem to stop me most days! This week I kept control and dug deep into my inventory. I came up with this absolutely adorable dress by eLDee that had been sitting in my inventory for a while. I didn't exactly like the thin straps and started looking for a shrug and found this fantastic, partially off the shoulder cardigan, sweater by Coco. It was a great look for the amazingly sweet hair by Truth and one of my favorite shoes (owned in many colors, thank you so much) by Shiny Things. Shiny Things is another of my loves, the shoes make me squeel, footless as they are. ![]() Over the years since I first joined SL (Feb 2005, it seems so long ago) designers have had such vast improvement I almost don't ever look at the items I bought so long ago. At the time I thought they were amazing, and in many ways I still do. Those key pieces, parts, memories even, all of which were transferable before the bulk of copying and such started. See, in reality, Dina could be considered an 'alt' even though she is the only avatar within SL that I will play. The first character sits there, cold and neglected, simply because I wanted to start over with a new 'doll' a couple of years ago. However, my use of an alt differs greatly from the way many might use one...and I consider her my main, one and only, avatar. That isn't to say I didn't consider moving to another alt, a new avatar and starting fresh, back when tidbits of drama flopped into my life. I even attempted to talk someone else into going with me. I strongly debated it for a few days, mainly out of frustration I believe than the need to run away and hide again. I have always told people "What you see is what you get" with me, so why change that? Some people use an alt to run away from situations they would just rather not deal with, like I almost did. Some people, however, use them to begin attacking people, manipulating them and showing off to others who see them and their behavior (which would normally be deemed inappropriate if it had been done on their more public 'main' account, or could ruin their business, the list goes on and on), as well as to otherwise hurt or cause harm. In this world of great anonymity, its a little disheartening to look around and wonder just who you may be talking to. I lurk a lot on plurk, sometimes its just best to sit and watch, observe and learn about others. A phrase I saw a while back has stuck with me and rings so very true in regards to alts and the people that use them to say things they wouldn't as themselves. Granted, this was said in response to a back stabbing friend, and it certainly applies to them as well, but when it comes to alts and the friends that might be hiding behind them? "I would rather have a true enemy, than a fake friend." ![]() Again, in a world where you can be anonymous in so many ways, its easy to put yourself out there as one personality: Perfectly kind, never says a harsh word to a soul, and surrounded by friends and a successful business. All while using an anonymous alt to: Rip the same people apart, ruin their businesses and let out all the aggression you withhold on your 'perfect' avatar. I have to wonder what kind of real life a person might have, what might be causing them such discontentment to have multiple alternate accounts on networking sites or within SL. So many accounts that no matter how many times they are banned, they can turn around the next day and begin their assault again. Yes, I do indeed see this type of behavior as assault. Verbal assault, hands down. Especially if they have to use account after account to come in and slam a person down that has one, nothing to do with them any more nor even mentioned them and are two, actually sharing how happy they are. If someone sharing that they are happy causes you enough grief that you feel the need use an anonymous account to poke at them, then I would highly suggest a new hobby or form of entertainment because you are then taking this one far too seriously. This entire rambling post stems from my being attacked on a plurk by Sands, simply to get to him. I find that low, and only a coward with no life would come out and attack a person someone loves in order to get a reaction out of them. Sadly for the troll, I don't take it personally. Some people cant help their issues, and I won't take offense for them, especially since its blatantly obvious how clueless people, and their alts, really are. The best part is every attack just brings us closer, strengthens our bond and phases us less and less with each wave. Thick skin, and all that jazz. Granted, there are other uses for alts, I wont deny that. Business alts, alts for pleasure, alts for fun, alts for....ok lets just leave it at: there are other reasons for alts. I just wish that however someone might choose to play your alt, you take care of how your behavior and actions affect other people. As for me, myself and I, we are all going to stay on one avatar from here on out, just as I have since I let go of my first Second Life. Who has time for anything else? As it is it took me all day to write out this blog post, between RL and spending some time with Sands on his weekend, I hardly have enough time for everything I want to do as me. Though, that reminds me, I have had a fabulous last couple of days. The only reason I am not looking forward to Friday is because Sands has to work. Nasty habit, that. I'm still sitting in skype with him, get a bit more time too, and I miss him already. Lucky for me I get to wake him up in the morning! Have a great Friday everyone, and your alts too! Dina's Duds Dress: :::eLDee::: Cardigan: Coco Shoes: Shiny Things Skin: Belleza Hair: Truth Poses: Tuli Labels: Avanista, Coco, eLDee, Second Life, Shiny Things Belleza, SL, Truth, Tuli |