Thursday, October 22, 2009
Its been an incredibly long time since I was able to run around and get into trouble in SL with Kerra, but today was the great exception. She put up with my random, and long, AFK's and even let me snap a picture of her in ...ok well, you will see. SySy's released some amazing new pieces and they are so perfect for fall I couldn't resist wandering around in them today. I think my favorite part are these pants, the prims for the bottom and the belt are absolutely amazing. The top is fabulous as well and I cannot get over how comfortable this look...looks. Hey, I'm still sick, cut me some slack! ![]() I really wanted to find some business environment, or a city area, or...something. We ended up over at Princeton University (which I actually enjoyed wandering around) and snapped a couple of pictures. I could have done better, I admit it, but cold+flu+pictures in sl=well, you can see the results. I also didn't modify them as much as I normally do because I really wanted the details of the outfit to stand out on their own and my typical tweaking makes things like this too dark. I slipped on a pair of Maitreya shoes, purchased a clutch bag on xstreet from Ariana's Trinkets, left my hair as it was and even slipped on some old bangles I've had in my inventory for so long the store that sold them is gone. ![]() We kicked back and chatted for a while, I put up with...whatever that is she is wearing, until she finally changed. She looked much better later but I forgot to take another picture! Then she jumps up, proclaims she is going to New York and poofs. Because she adores me and lets me have full rights, I mapped her funky butt! We did not end up in New York, but ran (literally) around some sim that had women on leashes or in a cage in random corners of the builds. Thats the last time I let her lead the way...tomorrow its my turn by golly! On the RL front, I am still sick, this is getting old really fast and I am tired of being sick but I do at least feel partially human today. Why am I feeling human? I have good reason to! My youngest turns 1 today. Ok, it kind of makes me cry, this year went by really fast but wow, she has grown so much and is so amazing. Yes, I am biased, but seriously I adore my kids and the fact that this is our last 'first birthday' is just crazy. When did time go by? I mean really, they were all just 1 just...yesterday? I will share pictures of the messy face tomorrow, I hope. I'm looking forward to making her treats with her siblings here as soon as they get off to prepare the kitchen. You know...for the insanity. Halp! Dina's Duds Clothing: SySy's Shoes: Maitreya Hair: WAKA & Yuki Skin: Belleza Clutch: Ariana's Trinkets Bangles: VG Republic (unavailable) Pose: Persona Location: Princeton University Labels: Ariana's Trinkets, Avanista, Maitreya, Persona, Princeton University, SySy's, VG Republic, Yuki |
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
![]() Nothing really ramble worthy today so lets stick to the credits! I know its fall, but I love this dress by So Many Styles so I had to do a look of the day for it. Since I am still fighting the flu, I think I am fighting for Spring already! A light airy look that just sings healthy to me, go figure. Feet by SLink, of course. I love these bare feet and they come in three angles. Flat, mid point and high. Necklace by Canimal, though you can't see it very well. Should have done another picture, I don't get to use this necklace enough. Another favorite of mine, the hair by Waka & Yuki, the best updo I have, and I have a lot! I wasn't really on long enough for good pics, but wandered out in my gardens and played with a few Diesel Work poses and tada...a look of the day for the blog that almost died lol. Hope everyone has a fantastic hump day! Dress: So Many Styles Jewelry: Canimal Hair: WAKA & Yuki Feet: SLink Skin: Belleza Poses: Diesel Works Labels: Avanista, Belleza, Canimal, Diesel Works, Second Life, SL, SLink, So Many Styles, Yuki |
Saturday, October 17, 2009
![]() Saturdays are always simple, especially when its raining outside. Of course, its been raining off and on for days now, bringing in a wave of fall blahs and such. The little people in RL are bouncing off the walls and keeping me on my toes so todays bloggage is pretty simple too. I could have just slapped up the pictures and credits, but for some reason my fingers get to the keys and I start rambling away. I tried to spare you, honest! Focusing on the look, yes, I can focus. The top here is from the newest release by Fri.Day, perfect for layering with other shirts (as per their promotion for it, no less) so I picked it up in a couple of colors. The skirt was a bundle I purchased from oyakin a while back, I love how simple and light it looks. I am still in love with the fact that flat shoes are 'in' since that's what I wear the most in SL. These are from 50 Flats, with a name like that its really easy to tell where I get a majority of my flats huh? In rare form, I actually took a little bit of time to put on some accessories today! Jewelry pieces are from both Cursed and Mezzo. I stopped by Storin this morning and picked up their umbrella and pose set and splashed my way over to the Creamshop sim to play in the rain. I love the rain, the thunder the way it gives me an excuse to run outside and stomp in a few puddles. I have to be careful here, the street may have just been redone but goodness...those puddles are deep.... Dina's Puddle Stompin Duds Top: Fri.Day Skirt: oyakin Necklace: Cursed Anklet/Bracelet: Mezzo Shoes: 50 Flats Hair: Magika Skin: Belleza Umbrella and Poses: Storin Location: CreamShop Labels: 50 Flats, Avanista, Belleza, Creamshop, Cursed Jewelry, Fri.Day, Magika, Mezzo, Oyakin, Second Life, SL, Storin |
Friday, October 16, 2009
This isn't exactly what I had planned out for my 100th blog post, but if I keep putting it off until I did what I had in mind it would simply never be published. Rather than let the blog die, yet, I decided to hop in world and do a few shots and just get the post out there. Hope you like the pieces I have chosen for it! Some are pieces from today's 50L Friday, some are pieces I have had for a while, and some...well I'm not even sure when I got some. ![]() I think I have said it about a gabillion times the last few weeks, but I still don't like orange on me that much. Hence the lack of Halloween or Harvest type looks! This, however, works well enough for me. The Moon is a piece you can actually wear form Random Kitten (found in the gatcha machine) and it attaches perfectly. After taking off your old ao it will have you floating around on it all day swinging and kicking your legs, so cute! The top was picked up from Malt and as harvesty colored as I am going to get me thinks. The pants are from the 50L Friday selections from Fishy Strawberry. Shoes by Dilly Dolls, an old time favorite of mine from right about the time the grid went crazy with flats. ![]() This beautiful dress is one of a handful of pieces I picked up from SySy's a couple of days ago. I have always been a romantic, I suppose what woman isn't, and love long flowing gowns. Who ever has a need for them though? I am completely using the excuse of 'it has to be blogged' for buying this and I don't care if it sits in my inventory never used again. Maybe I will just wander around the gardens in it, like I did for these shots. Who would know! Well, except for the fact that I just told you. Its a good way to get my fill of romance, even if I have nowhere to go. The hair is by Truth, latest release from today as a matter of fact and the skin is my typical Belleza. ![]() Last, but certainly far from least, is this 50L Friday dress by Artilleri! I have been reminding myself to stop by and get one of these dresses, they just made it that much easier. Worn with a Truth hair and flats by 50 Flats, I wandered over to the furniture area on the Artilleri sim and thought it was the perfect place to snap a pic! I don't have space for this kitchen set, but I think its adorable for you rockabilly and retro lovers. I absolutely love it, all of it and there is so much more to look at on the sim. Go on, visit it, you have time! ![]() The way I write these things lately you would think I was getting paid to do them, but nope. Not a bit, matter of fact about 99% of what I blog is things I have either had or things I purchase. Once in a while a gift will pop in there, but most of the time I just dive into my inventory head first and drag out what I think will work together. I really need to step it up and do it more often, but I have a feeling lots more will change first before I do. I don't always handle change well, so if I am really quiet for a while don't be surprised. Then again, I might surprise even myself and flood you with more than one LOTD post just to keep myself busy! Who knows...we will see, won't we? Its Friday people, go out, have fun, laugh, live...we may be enjoying a Second Life here but the truth of the matter is you only get one. One. Love it for what it is, even if it has its moments. Wishing you each a weekend filled with only amazing moments....and much more to write about. Dina's Duds Look 1: Top: Malt Pants: Fishy Strawberry Moon: Random Kitten Shoes: Dilly Dolls Hair: Magika Skin: Belleza Look 2: Dress: SySy's Hair: Truth Skin: Belleza Pose: Tuli Look 3: Dress: Artilleri Shoes: 50 Flats Hair: Truth Skin: Belleza Pose: Tuli Labels: 50 Flats, Artilleri, Avanista, Belleza, Fishy Strawberry, Magika, Malt, Random Kitten, Second Life, SL, SySy, Truth, Tuli |
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
It seems, lately, that the easiest parts of my bloggage are the images. Putting together the look of the day (or every other day or, other other day…ok you get it right?) and finding some nice location, choosing poses, windlight settings, angles, the list goes on. Just the process to go from a top here or a pair of pants there, to blog publication, seems to take the longest when it comes to my text. Every once in a while I feel like I am being watched from under a looking glass by someone waiting for the fall. I cannot predict the future, you certainly cant, the only thing I can focus on is the here and now. What I can say is each and every prediction of failure that was tossed my way has been proven wrong so far, so I might just keep living to continue that trend. Even after I have had to pull myself out of my lowest moments, I have found the purest happiness with the people that have chosen to be a part of my life. I cannot express enough how thankful I am for that. We all go through ups and downs though. I can admit when I am down and blue, and I am extremely glad that there are a few people that put up with those low end mood swings. I also happen to enjoy sharing my ups as well. Often, my downs are not even my own. Being empathetic and overly emotional to begin with, now I am involved with other emotional people and it can cause a bit of chaos within my own mind and spirit. I take in the emotions of others, mingle them with my own and end up convinced I have done some huge wrong to the people around me (if one is in their own down) and kick myself until they are up again. What a pain I am! It can be so extremely annoying for them to hear me asking what I have done wrong, or see me taking in every bit of their own dip in mood as my own, so they are not only dealing with their own…but now mine too. Ugh, I don’t think I can apologize enough for that, really. What I can say is, I am working on it. I am learning every day to differentiate between my own emotions and those of my loved ones, and even further still of those around me. What I need to do, and am trying so very hard to stick with, is making sure they know I am there for them if and when they need me, and letting go until they say they do. I'm far to pushy for my own good, and it only ends in someone wanting to smack me in the head! Luckily, only a couple are close enough to do so, for now. I am breaking through my old patterns and growing in ways I really didn’t think possible at this point in my life. History has proven I am a ‘pusher’ or even a ‘runner’ when it comes to people and my relationships. The moment I think someone has grown tired of me, I push until they can’t stand it anymore and leave. Or, I disappear myself. It takes a strong person to get through that, see what I am doing and instead of just opening their hands and letting go they tighten their hold. This is exactly what I need, and so few ever realize much less take the chance on me to do it. Its always easier to just walk away, isn’t it? Sometimes, just once in a while, you find someone worth fighting for, and even fighting with, just to get to what tomorrow and the many days that follow. I have this deep eternal hope that in the end, I am worth it. That someone sees what I have to offer and the passion I have for pleasing others and making sure the people I care about are happy. That they see, even when I falter and mess up (and this can be often, much to my dismay) that I am still here…learning, trying, and giving what I can. The easiest part of the blog is an outfit that I got from Gypsy Soul, well, goodness knows how long ago. I’ve rarely worn most of the things in my inventory so this is another one of those ‘dig deep’ outfits. Hey, it said autumn without having to be orange and brown, best look so far this week! Boots are by Shiny Things, skin by Belleza, hair by Magika and the location is the fabulous Tableau. I love wandering there and finding little spots to take pictures, go wander a bit, it’s a fun sim. I need to log in at some point tomorrow and recheck my poses for this post, and will update once I have. Have a fabulous evening/morning to all, depending on when you read this. I hope you are all in the middle of a great ‘up’ and stay that way this season! To those putting up with me the last week or two…thank you, I love you and I promise…I will somehow make it up to you for the torture! Labels: Avanista, Belleza, Gypsy Soul, Magika, Second Life, Shiny Things, SL, Tableau |
Sunday, October 11, 2009
![]() A couple of days ago, Mud Honey's latest release included these fantastic new 'Photobles.' These are a fantastic idea for bloggers so I had to sneak a peek and came home with the Glam Girl Photoble. (I am pretty sure these have been blogged already, but some things definitely need to be blogged more than once.) Having an entire scene easily rez/derezzable is a huge help when I want to get a different look for my pictures without wandering around SL too much. Its a lot faster, and keeps you all from having to see my garden areas over and over. Trust me, perks all around. The Photoble comes with a few different options, but I left it as it stands when you rez it. There are currently two of these out at the shop, stop by and pick one up. They are fantastic and I am really looking forward to the next ones that come out! ![]() The Photobles all include poses for you to use, or you can do as I did and just use what you have on hand. I used a pose from Diesel Works, one from Persona and finally one from Striking Pose as well, for these shots. I dug deep into my inventory and found this cute pink dress from Skin Flicks, but it happens to be sleeveless. I have no idea why, but I tend to not feel as comfortable with my shoulders uncovered. Which is weird because, this is SL for pity sake! To solve the issue I pulled out the black sequined cover up from eLDee. The hair is one of the new ones from Truth, fluffy and really adorable, while the shoes are an older pair from Maitreya. ![]() The weekend is coming to an end pretty quickly here, I didn't get nearly as much as I had wanted done and look, even the LOTD posts without a lot of rambling didnt get done. Shame. Nothing much else going on, I hope everyone has a great weekend and a fantastic week! Dina's Duds Dress: Skin Flicks Cover Up: eLDee Shoes: Maitreya Skin: Belleza Hair: Truth Photoble: Mud Honey Pose 1: Diesel Works Pose 2: Persona Pose 3: Striking Pose Labels: Avanista, Belleza, Diesel Works, eLDee, Maitreya, Mud Honey, Persona, Skin Flicks, Striking Pose, Truth |
Friday, October 9, 2009
I always have such well thought out blog posts, as I am laying in bed at night. Again, I thought about picking up my phone and typing some of it out, emailing it to myself or some such thing. Again, I didn't. I had started pre-writing it in my mind because I've noticed a bit of a trend on plurk lately. A lot of people down or not quite feeling as sure of themselves these last couple of weeks. Maybe it's the weather, maybe its just a phase, maybe its the moon...and the fact that it knows a bomb is coming (what won't we bomb). Who knows what it is, it's dominating time lines, including my own. It got me wondering how many of us don't know our own value or self worth. We are always our own worst critics and I can take a stand on heavy end of that stick, no doubt! I rethink and digest every single move I make to the point of convincing myself of its unavoidable failure. I annoy people to no end with worrying. Worrying about my choices, worrying about if they will be upset with much so that I avoid ever approaching someone about something I am unhappy about, or something I personally want and just end up going with the flow. In all honesty, that seems to work out better because I genuinely want to do things for other people. I like doing things that will make others happy, or please them, because in turn it makes me feel better, even about myself. Every once in a while I find myself really down on myself and need a day or two to snap out of it. Heaven help the people that are stuck with dealing with me during those times, and you have no idea how much I am thankful for you either. So, knowing this about myself I started wondering about the people that are, or have been, involved in my life (RL or SL, doesn't matter, this is just random thinking here people, go with it) and if I help them see their self worth, or how much I value them. Do they realize what they mean to me, and do I say it enough? If I know that I need to be told certain things in order to maintain my confidence, do I tell them as much as I should? Maybe I am going to start working on that, starting now. Two people, of course, come to mind when I sit and think about this and I have to wonder if I do them justice and show them enough what they mean to me. Of course that is Kerra and Sands. Kerra has been in my life for so long now, I can't remember a time when she wasn't. Ok, I can remember it, but I cant imagine how I survived it without her! She is honestly one person I know doesn't realize her own self worth or how valued she is, and I hope this somehow helps her see herself as the world sees her. She has the kindest heart, a spirit that mingles with mine so evenly that I cannot ever imagine a day without getting to even say hello to her. Giving to a fault and often quiet when things bother her, she and I are very much alike in the 'giving' department. I've started to learn her signals, when she isnt outright telling me she is mad about something. I am very honored to call her my best friend, sister, and so much more and am thankful that she knows she can lean on me as a venting board when the rest of the world seems unapproachable. I do the same to her, poor thing! She gives without expectations, loves without conditions and is one of the most amazing people I have ever met. People throw the word 'love' around a lot, but I can say without a doubt she is one of the few people I can say I love without hesitation. Through years of laughter, tears, ups and downs, we always find ourselves right back together fighting our way through it all together. She is more important to so many people than she will ever give herself credit for, so I will give her credit...even if she has bad credit and bounced checks and...oh, am I sharing too much about her now? (Don't hit me wench, they know I am kidding....maybe...) I actually met her on So, yea, she should know all of this, but it never hurts for the telling now does it? She is amazing, puts up with me, listens, offers advice (even when I roll my eyes at her) and is always there for people. You simply cannot find a better friend than that! One that will support you even in your mistakes, and be there for you to say 'See, I told you that was a bad idea' and help dust you off when you fall flat on your... ok you get the idea. I could talk about her for days. I know the things I say about Sands might surprise people, but that is often the case when judgments are made before you really get to know someone, or even have a conversation with them. When I first met Sands and he sent me that first message in world I told myself 'no...' and tried so very hard not to fall for him. He knows this, so it isn't any surprise for me to say I was drawn to him from the start but told myself it was absolutely not going to happen. I never do listen to myself, I should have known better. I started to go to Seven more often just in the hopes of getting to talk to him, and he never failed to show up the nights I was there. It took him a good while before even approaching me, or asking me to go and spend more time getting to know him...but it took even less time for me to lose myself completely in him. So why couldn't I resist him? I found that out as time went on, sometimes things are meant to be. I've said it to him as well that even if this only lasts a short time that I think we were supposed to find each other, to heal so much in each other that fighting it was a losing battle. I also told him he would be sick of me after about 2 months, but he is always trying to prove me wrong about things so I'm actually not surprised we are here after 6 months. Even when I slip back into my protective ways and try to push him away, he is still there. Those moments when I lose my own self worth and tell him to just go, he holds on and stays, because he knows damn well that I want him to. When I go all hormonal and emotional and ask why on earth he loves me he very quietly just reminds me, and says 'because I do, I'm supposed to.' All the things I really never would have expected from someone, and from him? I could surprise the dickens out of you people, it still surprises me but I am so very thankful for him and what we have I am often at a loss for words. Yes, me, lost for words... well not right now obviously! I remember the exact moment he told me he loved me, the way it made me feel and how easily I was able to tell him I loved him, and without a doubt in my mind...then or now. I don't say I love you easily, it is a huge expression to me. Falling in love with Sands was just right, no matter what happens now. ![]() He can actually be very kind, patient, and amazingly sweet when he wants to be, and I am glad I took the time to look at him with fresh eyes instead of just taking what I might have 'known' from seeing him before. Through our time together I learned so much more too, and I truly don't think he realizes his own value either. He is an amazing leader, can organize a group of unruly people easily, is observant (most of the time lol) and disaplined when it comes to the things he has a passion for. Thats another thing, his passion, he has a passion for life, his goals and aspirations and for a few other things I won't exactly be mentioning in this blog. He is extremely giving, always willing to help people out and most never really appriciate that enough. Not sure if he realizes how much I do appriciate all of the ways he has helped me, and changed me over the months. Can you ever really tell someone enough what they mean to you, or how much you love them and need them in your life? Maybe more people should try. If just one person told another how much they value them, imagine how that would trickle down and people would begin to build their own confidence again. The world is full of doubt, and anger, and times of frustration, so why not in these times of pure chaos just open up to one or two people and let them know how much they mean to you? Try treating people the way you want to be treated, without expectations. When you give with the expectation of something in return you only find yourself wallowing in disappointment. I know, I have done it! Instead just give, you might be surprised at how good it feels. The images within this post today were done in the middle of writing the blog post on my own land. Clothing by So Many Styles (new release, YAY) and I love it! So warm and cozy looking as the real world turns cold. The boots are by Pixel Mode (I went back and got more, its a sickness I tell you) and the hair is one of the newest by Truth. TGIF and all that jazz, and I hope that you each have a fantastic weekend filled with all the love and joy you can stand! Taking my obnoxiously happy self off to do a few errands today, getting out in this cold wet weather isn't exactly appealing, but never the less. Its for sure a 'stay inside curled up with a good book' kind of day, but I am sure there are plenty of those ahead this winter. It looks like we skipped right past fall lol. Going to be picking up Kerra for shopping and treating her to lunch, then its back to the insanity at home until Sands gets home and on tonight. Of course, thats not even including all of the messages back and forth with him all day, hard to get through it without them! Its going to be a good day, I am determined for it to be... just ask these two, I am stubborn enough to make it happen! Anyway, have a great Friday people, see you tomorrow! With a shorter post, I promise. Dina's Duds Clothing: So Many Styles Shoes: Pixel Mode Poses: Diesel Works, Striking Pose, Glitterati Hair: Truth Skin: Belleza Labels: Avanista, Belleza, Diesel Works, Glitterati, Pixel Mode, Second Life, SL, So Many Styles, Striking Pose, Truth |
Thursday, October 8, 2009
As I was getting ready to start this post I noticed I am fast approaching my 100th blog entry for GI (this isn't including older posts, of course, on my first blog). I'm hoping to do something really special for the occasion, but today is just another good ole look of the day for you. Most of us know about Pixel Dolls (previously blogged, so you better know about them!) but some only think they are good for those amazing sales. Not so! I went and picked up this 'Bella' gown today and instantly fell in love with it. Long dresses are more 'me' than the super short ones, and this one is beautiful. The skirt is actually very sheer and the entire look is ultra sexy. You don't have to wear a micro mini to be alluring, I say. ![]() I adore the neck piece, which comes with a couple of color options. Since I am accessory deprived, having a piece like this to include with an outfit just makes my day so much easier. The detailing of lace along the sleeves and bodice is simply amazing and I could sit and stare at this dress for hours! I took myself on over to the PAX sim (if you have yet to visit them, please do so, photo ops abound) and am wearing an older Magika hair to complete the look. ![]() For those wondering how the inventory reduction and cleaning has gone lately, well stop it. Just stop all the pressure! I can't take it! Well, mainly because my inventory has gone up to almost 43k since I started the entire process. I haven't even unpacked much, that is all because certain stores are having these certain sales and I am a sucker for 50L goodness! I need help, I admit it, I cant stop the inventory expansion. Even better is I took over 400 images and tossed them into an organizer, and its still up that high. I swear, I don't recall shopping that much, probably because my linden balance barely took a hit at said sales. So, designers with your fancy smancy sales, I blame you. Yes, its all your fault. Don't you dare stop! ![]() Off for a day of RL cleaning and such, my inventory count here is going up as well and I swear I don't RL shop like I SL shop. Heaven help my poor house if I did. After five long days without Sands I was so excited and lucky to get three full days of him home, so my cleaning got a wee bit neglected. See how I did that? Blamed him for that too, nothing is my fault I swear. Ok, its all my fault, but I have excuses...or I can make something up in a heart beat! Its amazing how fast three days can go though, when you are spending them with someone you love. So, here is me trying to make up for a lack of bloggage the last couple of days, as well as the rambling! Didja get your fill? Dina's Duds Dress: PixelDolls Skin: Belleza Hair: Magika Labels: Avanista, Belleza, Magika, PAX, Pixeldolls, Second Life, SL |
Monday, October 5, 2009
![]() Fair warning, this post is a bit more picture heavy than I normally do, but I wanted to get a good gathering of shots for you this morning. I also don't often do skin reviews but I figure now is as good a time as any to start! I have always tinkered around with the idea of getting skin demo's and playing with a shape to see if I can come up with a face that I like to go with any skin. I am extremely picky about how my face should look, so its a bit of a challenge. I like a good challenge. ![]() The above pictures, however, have other items to include of course. This is a dress and shoes I picked up from Pixel Mode last night during the sale they have going on. Luckily for me I had purchased a large portion of their line the last time they did a sale so I only needed to pick up a few things here and there. All fabulous pieces, be sure to sneak by if you haven't already. ![]() On to the skins! This is the fugue skin line released by [42] and currently only findable at the skin and shape expo! I have yet to find enough time to wander through the entire thing but am planning to do so shortly. In the majority of the images here I am wearing fugue in neutral and adore it! Each skin comes mod/copy/trans with optional down there hair and freckles. I love the freckles! They come in 6 skin tones ranging from goth white all the way to dark. For a preview of how these skins look check out the [42] booth, you don't want to miss them! ![]() Also not shown, but findable at the fair, is a special return of the Fukumi skins previously released as a group gift. They were not widely distributed so being able to get them now is awesome! They are being sold as a package of 4 skins and a shape with half of all proceeds going to charity, but are only available in pale and neutral. Afordable skins and a good cause, I encourage everyone to stop by the [42] booth as you travel through the skin and shape expo this year. Dina's Duds: Dress & Shoes: Pixel Mode Lingerie: Armidi Hair: Truth Skin: [42] main store location and at the skin and shape expo Labels: [42], Armidi, Avanista, Pixel Mode, Second Life, Skins, SL, Truth |
Sunday, October 4, 2009
![]() I honestly don't have a lot of time for a post today, but wanted to toss up this LOTD for you all. Made a fast stop over at Kunglers and picked up a few pieces, including their group gift. The pants are from the gift and the top is a separate purchase. The shoes are from the Pixel Mode sale. I love the pieces, they go together extremely well and this is pretty much how I wandered around today. ![]() Yes, see, very short post today! Why? Because Sands is home from his work trip! Oh my goodness I cant believe how much I missed him on this simple few day trip, but I did, and I am so extremely happy to have him home that my evening is all his. Its crazy, I know, even though we are apart technically...but I love him so much that I missed him more than I thought I would. So here is to the end of my evening, with him in my ears where he belongs. Have a great evening all! I know I will for sure! Dina's Duds Shirt & Pants: Kunglers Shoes: Pixel Mode Skin: Belleza Hair: Truth Labels: Avanista, Belleza, Decoy, Kunglers, Pixel Mode, Second Life, SL, Truth |
Saturday, October 3, 2009
![]() After literally days offline, not wanting to log in because of a little person being ill, I came in simply because I saw these items. First, the skirt is the latest release by Zaara, as I am sure you can tell by the massive amount of blog attention it will be receiving. I couldn't resist it, didn't try and very happily dropped the money out for the fatpack. I love it, its beautiful, extremely well done and detailed and the colors make me sigh in joy for just having them. Yes, I am odd, I know. The shirt and shoes were gotten at the Decoy sale event, also bound to get plenty of blog affection. All of the items in the store, including the fatpacks, are marked half off with some of them being absolutely free! Now, who can beat free? Really. I picked up quite a few things and thought these pieces worked perfectly together. Hair by Maitreya, skin by Belleza and poses by LAP, the little bit of time I have had to spare online was well spent. ![]() Not so much in a rambling mood, still. Obvious by the lacking of blog posts period. Just a bit down, not exactly in the mood to let my fingers tippity tap at the keys for long. Wanted to share that little bit tonight and wish everyone a fabulous weekend. I'm looking forward to the end of it though, can I speed up time yet? *just sighs softly and whispers* I miss you. Dina's Duds Top & Shoes: Decoy Skirt: Zaara Skin: Belleza Hair: Maitreya Pose: LAP Labels: Avanista, Belleza, Decoy, LAP, Maitreya, Second Life, SL, Zaara |