Wednesday, December 30, 2009
![]() Its been a busy, but decent, couple of weeks since my last blog post. I have tomorrows blog post all figured out in my mind, though that is certainly subject to change, and its most assuredly going to be a long one being the last post of 2009. Today isn't going to be as much torture for you, honest. I was browsing the feeds, which I don't do nearly as much as I used to, when I crossed by someone wearing an amazing skirt. This of course lead to a shopping trip, as if my inventory could handle it, but I couldn't very well resist and, goodness am I glad I didn't. ![]() This dress practically screamed at me from across the room as I loaded, I made it wait while I picked up a few pieces on the way to the back of the Bublee Bing store. As promise I included the first picture, a very unprocessed image almost directly from SL so you can get the real look of the dress without my usual modifications. There is a strip of ribbon on the bottom of the skirt that doesn't show because, for some reason, it was hiding in the floor but you can see the absolute beauty of this dress well enough. I picked up a few other pieces and happily filled up a folder of this designers work, very much looking forward to their future releases! ![]() Since I was forced to be away for the holidays, I've been enjoying handing out gifts to my friends and loved ones in SL a bit after the fact. I got in with Sands last night (who simply doesn't join me in SL enough these days, determined to change that) and watched as he opened the handful of things I found for him. It wasn't much but I put a lot of thought into the things I got people this year, him especially since its so darn difficult to shop for men. I am hoping to log in with him again soon and include a bit of a review of his gifts because I thought they looked amazing on him! Overall it was a great night and boy did I need it. The end of the year always brings a bit of a roller coaster ride here as I try to sum up what I did or didn't get done that I wanted to, and look over the things and people that have come and gone from my life. Don't let me start rambling about that now though, saving all of that for tomorrow. Have a great hump day all! Its absolutely freezing here so I am off to find something warm to wrap my icey lil fingers around for a little bit. Whoa, I'm thinking hot chocolate or something, where is your mind! Dina's Duds: Dress: Bublee Bing Skin: Belleza Hair: ::69:: Labels: 69, Avanista, Belleza, Bublee Bing, iheartsl |
Thursday, December 17, 2009
I often wonder what someone else thinks when they see the word Cyberstalking. I certainly cannot be the only one sitting back and reading blog posts the last few months with pure disappointment in watching grown adults cyberstalking, or bullying, other people simply because they can. I woke up this morning to a plurk about a child being cyber bullied and thought really, how amazing it is to see the same type of behavior going on in an adult community like Second Life and how it has been deemed acceptable in some forms, for some people. I did a little bit of googling, reading on the Wikipedia, and am more convinced than ever that there are in fact some people within our community that very publicly cyberstalk people and are even supported for it. The question remains, why? At what point are we drifting over that line of justification to post and say whatever we want to being a harasser or stalker? A short quote that really made me think: "When identifying cyberstalking "in the field," and particularly when considering whether to report it to any kind of legal authority, the following features or combination of features can be considered to characterize a true stalking situation: malice, premeditation, repetition, distress, obsession, vendetta, no legitimate purpose, personally directed, disregarded warnings to stop, harassment, and threats." Even more interesting read a bit further down, about a cyberstalkers behavior: "Victims of cyberstalking may not even know that they are being stalked. Cyberstalkers may research individuals to feed their obsessions and curiosity. Conversely, the acts of cyberstalkers may become more intense, such as repeatedly instant messaging their targets. More commonly they will post defamatory or derogatory statements about their stalking target on web pages, message boards and in guest books ..." I think there are people who are cyberstalkers and don't even realize it. Running off and searching information about people online just to post it in an 'informative blog post' is, in the eyes of many, a form of cyberstalking. It isn't just about an obsessive ex who wont stop watching someone they want to be with still. Its also in the form of one person making very public statements about someone they really aren't involved with in order to obtain blog hits, encourage discussion about said person or even using the cover of calling it a vent. It never ceases to amaze me to find people you would otherwise think of as normal, mature adults participating in the ripping, slandering and hostile commenting about someone they in all honesty have absolutely nothing to do with. At what point will someone actually stand up and say 'No, this is wrong' and fight against this form of internet abuse? Is it an acceptable activity for certain people because they are better known, or popular in a sense, to the public? Is this what encourages people to come in and make comments thus adding to the abuse by participating themselves? Or have we hardened ourselves and forgotten the fact that there is indeed a person behind ever avatar and simply because we don't like them, approve of their choices, have an issue with their behavior or someone we know doesn't like them, does not entitle us to be cruel and harass them. Before anyone even tries, by the way, there is a very clear difference between letting the public know factual information and being outright hostile while doing so, this is where the line gets fuzzy for most. Do many of us have any idea the internal stress and anxiety that can be caused by being targeted by people in this way? Can we imagine how a person can be affected, or has human compassion and sensitivity to the well being of others been cut off once we sign on? Interestingly enough I have received a lot of feedback about cyberstalkers/bullies when I talk to people in world about it but it remains, people are actually afraid to stand up for others because they don't want to be the newest target. It sounds just like high school, doesn't it? Where does that activity of informing the public, sharing our own experiences or venting cross the line into cyberstalking and is there anyone left who is willing to speak up and say 'I think what you are doing is wrong!' Regardless of what the person may (or may not) be doing, the bandwagon has been making its rounds for months, stopping to run over a person here or there and very few have put a foot down to say, enough. I suppose when you get right down to it, we would only do that for our closest friends, those we have an emotional attachment to because, as so many put it so well, we just don't care about the other person being discussed. There are so many times, I am extremely ashamed to admit, that I have sat back and watched it in sincere pain while someone else is trashed at the enjoyment and delight of others. I've been here too long, maybe, and been harassed myself, and I internalize everything to the point of feeling what the person must be feeling upon reading the words of others. The year is fast coming to a close, 2009 is almost gone, breaking the silence and standing up for people when and where I can is going to be one of my biggest, and granted possibly the toughest, goal for 2010. Whether you think so or not, everyone matters, we all have feelings and instead of ripping someone down, you would get so much more out of life for lifting them up. Amazing to me, I am actually sitting here expecting someone to insult me or tear me down for saying much of what I have said, or intend to say in the future, but I guess this time I get to be the one that says 'I don't care....enough is enough.' Keeping with fashion, Dina's Duds: Hair (Dina & Kerra): Truth Sweater (on Dina and front model): Mischief Pants (Dina): Snatch Sweater (Kerra): Pacadi Pants (Kerra): Drawmachine Scarf (Kerra): Truth Hair (front model): Maitreya Labels: Avanista, Drawmachine, iheartsl, Maitreya, Mischief, PACADI, Snatch, Truth |
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
![]() Tomorrow, December 17th, [42] and Grand Illusion will be hosting a duo of fun wintery holiday events for everyone to help us celebrate the opening of our sim. To help spread a bit more holiday cheer, we are having our first ever Frosty Find hunt! The above Frosty will be hidden all over the sim for you to find and will be filled with gifts brought to you by both [42] and Grand Illusion! Skins, a shape, eyes and so much more will be spread around the sim. We hope you will be able to join us for either our casual event at 2-4pm SLT or 7-9pm SLT for our formal holiday dance. Mandy will be DJing and taking your requests, come sit on Santas lap, skate on our rink and find as many hidden Frostys as you can! For more information and to be updated whenever we add an additional Frosty (they will be out until the end of the year and new ones may be added at any time!) please join the subscribo over at the [42] main store. Shoot me any questions you might have and I hope to see you tomorrow! Where? Morabeza When? 2-4 pm slt and 7-9 pm slt Why? Why not! Labels: [42], Frosty Find, Grand Illusion, Grand Opening. Avanista, iheartsl |
Friday, December 11, 2009
![]() Sometimes a quicky is in order. A beautiful gown, one of many, by Nardcotix. I've blogged their shoes before, and a shrug, but love their gowns and other pieces as well. They also offer gift versions which is perfect for the holidays this year. Dina's Duds Dress: Nardcotix Glasses: Persenickety Hair: Truth Skin: Belleza Labels: Avanista, Belleza, iheartsl, Nardcotix, Persenickety, Truth |
Thursday, December 10, 2009
![]() Simply put, one of the most beautiful dresses I own, if not the most beautiful. Created by Evie (Evie's Closet) this gown has been lingering in my inventory for a week or two and after listening to the video I've included in this post, it called for pictures. Most importantly, to be shared. If you haven't visited Evie's Closet, first why on earth not, and second get yourself over there now. Her gowns and other designs are breath taking and everyone should have at least one in their inventory in my opinion. ![]() I thought the perfect location to do these images was, of course, the Oubliette sim. Winter has come to Oubliette and while the sim has always been beautiful it seems to have an even more magical air about it now. I could, and have, spend literally hours wandering around, lingering while I talk to people and just sneaking pictures here and there. Worth a visit as well and oh, how convenient, Evie's Closet just happens to be there as well. Imagine that! There are a couple of other stores you should peek into while you wander and explore, get lost in the beauty, its so easy. Here is where I ramble with more personal things, right? Instead just listen to this song I chanced upon by Evanescence. I've always loved them, their music gives me chills and this one didn't disappoint. Sometimes there just aren't any words of my own to say it well enough, for now I will use theirs. Dear my love, haven't you wanted to be with me And dear my love, haven't you longed to be free Forget this life Come with me Don't look back you're safe now Unlock your heart Drop your guard No one's left to stop you Dina's Duds: Location: Oubliette Dress: Evie's Closet Jewels: Caithlin Carter Designs Hair: Truth Skin: Belleza Labels: Avanista, Belleza, Caithlin Carter Designs, Evies Closet, iheartsl, Oubliette, Truth |
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Well, I still haven't decorated for the holidays in my home in real life, if only I could get a photoble like this to park in a corner of my living room. Its always literally crazy around here come the holidays but this year we are going to be gone for a full week so, its even worse! Why cant I take everything tucked safely in an unorganized inventory like I do whenever I go out in SL? Why I say! I would for sure take this dress, by Ingenue, and these beautiful new shoes by =L+R+W=. The jewelry is an oldie, and unavailable, but one of my favorite gifts by Dazzle. I ended up with a few of these, snagging them as I see them in resale shops, and have given to them to friends over the years. This is exactly how I would like that corner of my living room to look. Now, if only we had a fire place. ![]() So much to do, so little time, and the little bit of time I had last night was interupted by a power outtage. Luckily Kerra remembered it was out and gave us a call this morning to give us a kick in the butt and get everyone off to school. We never had power outages, really, in California, so this snow and freezing cold and no electricity thang is all new. I can handle all of it,but leave me my power, I had plans with Sands last night that I was exteremely bummed to miss out on! Tonight though, I don't care if I have to get out there and create the power myself, I'm not missing out on another planned evening. I hope you all are out there staying warm, and dry inside with your loved ones. To think, winter has only just begun! Dina's Holiday Duds: Dress: Ingenue Photoble: Mudhoney Shoes: =L+R+W= Hair: Truth Skin: Belleza Glasses: Persenickety Poses: Diesel Works, Labels: =L+R+W=, Avanista, Belleza, Diesel Works, iheartsl, Mudhoney, Persenickety, Truth |
Monday, December 7, 2009
![]() I don't often have enough time in Second Life lately to go out all that much, but I do hear there are still clubs and dancing and even live performers! The dress released by SySy's tonight was inspired by a live performer that the designer is sponsoring this week. Lollo String, as well as his background dancers The Lollette's, have been entertaining the masses within SL since 2008 and have a large variety of music they are able to dazzle you with. SySy thought of them as she made this amazing dress, calling it 'Fluffy, feathery and sexy!' The dress comes in three colors, the blue shown as well as black and red. I figured the feed is always full of black, and tis the season for red, so blue it is! ![]() I slipped on a new pair of fabulous shoes by Kilnins and my all time favorite updo by W&Y for this fancy night on the town look. SySy's dress makes me feel like twisting my hips and dancing the night away, seriously, just to see how the layers will swirl around me. I stepped out of my norm for this and put on a super sexy skin by Exodi and donned a beautiful Balderdash jewelry set. If you haven't taken the time to visit any of the mentioned stores, you need to this holiday season. There are so many parties to attend, events to be had and pictures to take and these designers will make you look amazing! ![]() While it still takes me hours to complete a blog post, between chasing around kids and dealing with work etc, I love this part of my online time. Matter of fact, there really isn't anything about my time online that isn't make me extremely happy lately! The choices I thought I had to make about SL with the last post were undone, and it leaves me with the sim to work on and with for another few weeks at least. It was so hard to imaging all the work that had gone into the sim would have been gone next week, but a very dear friend swooped in to save us. I am so very thankful to him for doing so, and hope he enjoys his new home with us and we can make him proud. Back off to do a little bit of work while I want for Sands to get home tonight. It should prove to be yet another amazing night, I'm wondering when my luck will run out on those but so far so good! I hope you are all staying warm and dry tonight, its snowing again here and freezing. Cannot wait to snuggle up and stay warm...someone make the work day be over please! Dina's Duds: Dress: SySy Shoes: Kalnins Hair: WAKA & yuki Skin: Exodi Jewelry: Balderdash More information on Lollo String: SL MySpace Personal Website RL Band Labels: Avanista, Balderdash, Exodi, iheartsl, Kalnins, SySy's, Waka and Yuki |
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Yesterday I woke to the most beautiful blanket of white fluff across our world outside. Not enough yet that I have to look forward to shoveling, but enough that the entire land outside is unblemished with the promise of a freezing winter. This is one of the few reasons I am thankful for having left Southern California. Complain about snow all you want, I think it is amazing and I love winter. I actually got this look together yesterday but ended up so busy I logged out in it, failing to do any images or blog post as intended. The entire look started off with the sweater, and can you blame me? ![]() I am confident it is going to end up on the feeds and blogged by a few people, and normally I tend to shy away from things that may end up flooding said feeds but I had to have this one. The sweater is by AOHARU and comes in 8 colors. I was tempted by the pink or even the red or green for the holidays but I figured the blue would be perfect for me this season. Doesn't mean I wont go pick up another one. but for now this will do. I stood around in just the sweater for a while but decided that wasn't exactly the warm wintery look I was going for! Tossed on jeans from Decoy, one of the many fabulous tanks I've gotten from Miel and my favorite boots from Pixel Mode and was better armed against the cold of my new home. ![]() These pieces from MB Creationz are absolutely my favorite holiday decorations so far this year. I created a mini skating rink and set them out for visitors and friends to enjoy. I love the amazing detail, the crisp colors and textures and the sit animations are as fun as the holidays are going to be this year! I didn't get a chance to pick them up yet but I will be heading back for their gift boxes to slip under the amazing tree they have (you will see more of that tree in upcoming entries, no worries) for my friends to open. I don't have a chance to decorate as much in RL this year since we wont be here most of the holiday season, so this gave me the perfect setting to let out my passion for Christmas. ![]() A couple of weeks ago I sat and chatted with Sands about the holidays. We each have had some pretty bad seasons the last couple of years and promises, with firm devotion, that this year was going to be vastly different. So far, its been amazing. Getting quality time with him each evening, and well into the morning, has already proven to make my holidays much brighter and I am very thankful for it all. I have had to make some tough choices in regards to SL in the last few days, but I think in the end those that I settled on with his help, as well as a couple of friends, is going to make SL the fun place it needs to be when I have time to log in. When SL becomes more work and stress than just fun it means you need to take a step back and do some adjusting. No, you weirdos, this doesn't mean there was drama, people can be stressed without it involving drama. Can you belive it? With how much people assume I was all drama for a bit there (because heaven forbid I have a bit of it once) isn't it just simply amazing how those same people are continually involved in drama while I am nowhere in sight? I must be causing it from a distance, yep, that must be it, shame on me. This must mean I am going to get coal in my stocking this year from Santa! Oh noes! Sigh. In all seriousness, it is really disappointing to see so many people that are causing others problems come through and leave traces of pain and confusion in their wake. I see it from a safe distance in plurk, in SL, on the feeds, and then am disappointed in even myself for staying out of things I wish I could just speak up about. Others openly speak up, are encouraged and applauded for doing so, even when they are actually just causing more issues in their vocal outbursts. They are tearing others down and being rewarded for it, and its causing that great divide among friends through plurk and SL again. It was calm for a week or two, wasn't it? I suppose that good hearted nature so many were trying to foster, posts that were uplifting and positive towards people couldn't possibly last long in this community. So, why is that? In a time when people are supposed to be happy, spreading joy and all that sappy stuff, why are some of the very same people that asked 'why do we have to tear each other down' doing just that? Is it acceptable to tear certain people down? Ok to rip them apart when others are? These people arent even people I know really, on either side, but where did the 'tis the season' part of the holidays go for everyone else? I know where it is for me, and I hope you do. I have had a fantastic weekend and wish it for everyone else too! Sands has the day off and we are just starting to play, make plans for the evening and such. I haven't really said it in my blog lately, but goodness sakes alive I love this man to pieces. You know what I wish for people today? Take a chance on someone new this season. That's right, step out of your box, out of your safe place, don't worry about what other people may think or say and just reach out to someone without pre-judgments based on what you may have 'heard'. Everyone has altercations with someone at some point, but there are indeed always three sides to a story. It might backfire, sure, but you might be surprised. I may have to hunt out someone new to do this with as well. Over the last few months I have met a handful of people that I might have judged by what other people said or thought of them and I am extremely thankful that I did not! Try it. Go on. You are braver than that, right? Right! Dina's Duds Sweater: AOHARA Tank: Miel Pants: Decoy Boots: Pixel Mode Pose: So Many Styles Hair: Truth Skin: Belleza Glasses: Persenickety Furniture: MB Creationz Labels: Avanista, Belleza, Decoy, Miel, Persenickety, Pixel Mode, So Many Styles, Truth |
Thursday, December 3, 2009
There simply isn't a day that goes by that I don't get to spend time lost within my inventory. Yesterday I managed to unpack and organize about 50 things, and for me that is a huge accomplishment. Between kids, butterflies (I'm easily distracted), things like plurk and chatting with Sands whenever I get the chance, I tend to get things started inventory wise but never finish anything. There is a lot of newness in this post, and I am pretty excited to be able to blog new people today! I can get stuck in the same ole same ole but have been trying to step out of my own box lately. ![]() The furniture in the above and below images is absolutely fabulous! Extremely low prim, which makes my prim sanity happy, and amazingly detailed, this set includes the chairs, rug, table, lamp and platter of cupcakes! I snagged one of them right away, before someone TP'd randomly into my home (they do that, all the time, its a good thing I don't mind them seeing me naked as I sort inventory huh) and stole them all! The furniture is by Plum Berry and the chairs were filled with sitting poses too! I also was trying a set of poses by someone new as well, new to me that is. These were made by (pda) Penny Dreadful Arcade, a set I picked up on 50L friday last week and they are adorable! Always on the lookout for new poses, these are not only in a stand in my studio now but included in the 'in the field' folder for random snaps. ![]() Beyond a typical Truth hair, Belleza skin and Persenickety glasses kind of day I tossed on an outfit by [ Cynful ]. The corset overall set comes with a fabulous lace undershirt but I have an issue with bare shoulders in the winter. I'm odd like that, my RL weather affects my comfort level in SL so I tossed on this adorable shrug gift by Nardcotix. I'm also wearing those fantastic boots by R2 that I picked up at the shoe fair, I cant seem to pry them off my feet yet. I finally figured out why. I had picked up another pair of boots that ended up a huge disappointment because they were no mod and didnt include a resize script. This is extremely frustrating as my shape is not a skinny stick thin one and the calves show in the back of said boots. However, that isnt an issue with the R2 boots because they include an invisaprim that covers any and all areas that might have an issue! I LOVE THIS! It also solves another problem by yet another pair of boots I purchased. In order to have none of my leg showing I have to either resize my shape (which I hate, seriously) or resize it to the point of looking stupid and huge. So, from the shoe fair alone I ended up with two boots I just most likely will never wear. Sad, really, because they are adorable too. ![]() All of this was just the ending of my day, yesterday was an adventure from the moment I woke up and went to breakfast. Kerra and I always manage to sneak off in RL every once in a while and have breakfast at one of our favorite places and yesterday? Well, yesterday bought us a random preformance by an up and coming band! When we first arrived there was a table full of these guys just laughing and having a good time. Having had an amazing evening/morning with Sands I was in a great mood. Kerra was in a great mood for her own reasons...and I think its contagious because we all just started chatting. Next thing we know, one of them runs out and comes back with a guitar and they are standing by our table asking if the others in the place would mind if they preform! They were pretty good too! Find and visit Kerras blog on my blogroll to see the video she managed to get too. The last picture is of course my favorite part of the day. Sands spent the entire day installing (and making a mess from what I hear so far) new entertainment insanity over at his place. This simply meant a lot less time together than we had originally thought, so I spent most of my day missing him like a goof. We finally got to spend a couple of hours together and though I havent had a chance to do so much often, I managed to get a few pictures done of us last night. Or rather, 2 am this morning. I've always loved how our av's look together, and its best nestled safe in his arms while we watch a movie and just chatter at each other about our day. Not long after, I got to lay and just be with him until he finally fell asleep. 8 months later and I still smile listening to him fall asleep and snore...I mean uh, breathe deeply. He doesn't snore, really, no honest *cough*. Funny, I know he is going to read this at work and I know for a fact he will think or even say out loud 'I dont snore!' but he will smile. I can always tell when he is smiling. Dina's Duds Corset Overalls: [ Cynful ] Shrug: Nardcotix Hair: Truth Skin: Belleza Shoes: R2 Glasses: Persenickety Furniture: Plum Berry Poses: (pda) Penny Dreadful Arcade Labels: Avanista, Belleza, Nardcotix, Penny Dreadful Arcade, Persenickety, Plum Berry, R2, Truth |
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Anyone that knows me, or actually reads the text portion of my blog, knows that the last couple of months I have been working with friends on a new sim. It became our own personal playground, and is finally finished. Well, as finished as it will ever be with me always taking something down and putting something better up. Right now it has 8 home rentals on it that need people to make them their homes. I have yet to really do a full blog post on the sim so, here it is. Please be aware this is an image filled entry, but I think the pictures say so much about our sim. Our hopes for this sim were that people would come and enjoy the [42] main store (skins, in case you've been living under a rock hehe) a wander and explore favorite, play games, come to our events, enjoy the hidden beach, fish, dance, linger, cuddle and most important for people like me, the photo ops! I happen to be very proud of the sim and how much those that are already living there enjoy it, so if you ever want to take a visit somewhere please give us a try! Now, for the pictures: ![]() Not a lot of explanations are needed for this post, but above and below here are the front and back of the homes we have for rent. Included are 500 prims to decorate with and the entire sim as your front yard. Each has a coastal view, as seen here. If you would like more information you may find a few FAQs in my profile or the classified listings, or you could just send me a message and I will do my best to give you every little detail! ![]() Last you can see our newest area, the skating rink which is right next to Grand Illusions little studio. That poor studio gets moved every time I get a new idea and use this portion of the sim to rebuilt. Luckily you cant even see this area from the homes or other areas, but it is always open for people to come and visit! Again, if you have any questions, or even comments, you may contact any of the three managers of this sim. Includes myself, Dinalya Dawes, Kerra Nightfire and Imandra Wycliffe. We currently have 8 homes and 2 small store locations available right next to the [42] main store location. Just come on over, wander around and enjoy the sim if nothing else. We hope to see you here. Thus ends the first real post I have made about my own projects in SL! Have a fantastic week everyone, see you tomorrow! Where are you going? Here! Visit us at Morabeza! |