Thursday, December 3, 2009
There simply isn't a day that goes by that I don't get to spend time lost within my inventory. Yesterday I managed to unpack and organize about 50 things, and for me that is a huge accomplishment. Between kids, butterflies (I'm easily distracted), things like plurk and chatting with Sands whenever I get the chance, I tend to get things started inventory wise but never finish anything. There is a lot of newness in this post, and I am pretty excited to be able to blog new people today! I can get stuck in the same ole same ole but have been trying to step out of my own box lately. ![]() The furniture in the above and below images is absolutely fabulous! Extremely low prim, which makes my prim sanity happy, and amazingly detailed, this set includes the chairs, rug, table, lamp and platter of cupcakes! I snagged one of them right away, before someone TP'd randomly into my home (they do that, all the time, its a good thing I don't mind them seeing me naked as I sort inventory huh) and stole them all! The furniture is by Plum Berry and the chairs were filled with sitting poses too! I also was trying a set of poses by someone new as well, new to me that is. These were made by (pda) Penny Dreadful Arcade, a set I picked up on 50L friday last week and they are adorable! Always on the lookout for new poses, these are not only in a stand in my studio now but included in the 'in the field' folder for random snaps. ![]() Beyond a typical Truth hair, Belleza skin and Persenickety glasses kind of day I tossed on an outfit by [ Cynful ]. The corset overall set comes with a fabulous lace undershirt but I have an issue with bare shoulders in the winter. I'm odd like that, my RL weather affects my comfort level in SL so I tossed on this adorable shrug gift by Nardcotix. I'm also wearing those fantastic boots by R2 that I picked up at the shoe fair, I cant seem to pry them off my feet yet. I finally figured out why. I had picked up another pair of boots that ended up a huge disappointment because they were no mod and didnt include a resize script. This is extremely frustrating as my shape is not a skinny stick thin one and the calves show in the back of said boots. However, that isnt an issue with the R2 boots because they include an invisaprim that covers any and all areas that might have an issue! I LOVE THIS! It also solves another problem by yet another pair of boots I purchased. In order to have none of my leg showing I have to either resize my shape (which I hate, seriously) or resize it to the point of looking stupid and huge. So, from the shoe fair alone I ended up with two boots I just most likely will never wear. Sad, really, because they are adorable too. ![]() All of this was just the ending of my day, yesterday was an adventure from the moment I woke up and went to breakfast. Kerra and I always manage to sneak off in RL every once in a while and have breakfast at one of our favorite places and yesterday? Well, yesterday bought us a random preformance by an up and coming band! When we first arrived there was a table full of these guys just laughing and having a good time. Having had an amazing evening/morning with Sands I was in a great mood. Kerra was in a great mood for her own reasons...and I think its contagious because we all just started chatting. Next thing we know, one of them runs out and comes back with a guitar and they are standing by our table asking if the others in the place would mind if they preform! They were pretty good too! Find and visit Kerras blog on my blogroll to see the video she managed to get too. The last picture is of course my favorite part of the day. Sands spent the entire day installing (and making a mess from what I hear so far) new entertainment insanity over at his place. This simply meant a lot less time together than we had originally thought, so I spent most of my day missing him like a goof. We finally got to spend a couple of hours together and though I havent had a chance to do so much often, I managed to get a few pictures done of us last night. Or rather, 2 am this morning. I've always loved how our av's look together, and its best nestled safe in his arms while we watch a movie and just chatter at each other about our day. Not long after, I got to lay and just be with him until he finally fell asleep. 8 months later and I still smile listening to him fall asleep and snore...I mean uh, breathe deeply. He doesn't snore, really, no honest *cough*. Funny, I know he is going to read this at work and I know for a fact he will think or even say out loud 'I dont snore!' but he will smile. I can always tell when he is smiling. Dina's Duds Corset Overalls: [ Cynful ] Shrug: Nardcotix Hair: Truth Skin: Belleza Shoes: R2 Glasses: Persenickety Furniture: Plum Berry Poses: (pda) Penny Dreadful Arcade Labels: Avanista, Belleza, Nardcotix, Penny Dreadful Arcade, Persenickety, Plum Berry, R2, Truth |