Wednesday, December 30, 2009
![]() Its been a busy, but decent, couple of weeks since my last blog post. I have tomorrows blog post all figured out in my mind, though that is certainly subject to change, and its most assuredly going to be a long one being the last post of 2009. Today isn't going to be as much torture for you, honest. I was browsing the feeds, which I don't do nearly as much as I used to, when I crossed by someone wearing an amazing skirt. This of course lead to a shopping trip, as if my inventory could handle it, but I couldn't very well resist and, goodness am I glad I didn't. ![]() This dress practically screamed at me from across the room as I loaded, I made it wait while I picked up a few pieces on the way to the back of the Bublee Bing store. As promise I included the first picture, a very unprocessed image almost directly from SL so you can get the real look of the dress without my usual modifications. There is a strip of ribbon on the bottom of the skirt that doesn't show because, for some reason, it was hiding in the floor but you can see the absolute beauty of this dress well enough. I picked up a few other pieces and happily filled up a folder of this designers work, very much looking forward to their future releases! ![]() Since I was forced to be away for the holidays, I've been enjoying handing out gifts to my friends and loved ones in SL a bit after the fact. I got in with Sands last night (who simply doesn't join me in SL enough these days, determined to change that) and watched as he opened the handful of things I found for him. It wasn't much but I put a lot of thought into the things I got people this year, him especially since its so darn difficult to shop for men. I am hoping to log in with him again soon and include a bit of a review of his gifts because I thought they looked amazing on him! Overall it was a great night and boy did I need it. The end of the year always brings a bit of a roller coaster ride here as I try to sum up what I did or didn't get done that I wanted to, and look over the things and people that have come and gone from my life. Don't let me start rambling about that now though, saving all of that for tomorrow. Have a great hump day all! Its absolutely freezing here so I am off to find something warm to wrap my icey lil fingers around for a little bit. Whoa, I'm thinking hot chocolate or something, where is your mind! Dina's Duds: Dress: Bublee Bing Skin: Belleza Hair: ::69:: Labels: 69, Avanista, Belleza, Bublee Bing, iheartsl |