Sunday, February 28, 2010
![]() After spending so much time knee deep in my inventory, I somehow managed to reduce it by at least 6k this last week. Oh thats good, right? Its awesome! Until you look and realize that still has me over 45k. I just cant seem to find the massive amount of items anywhere, where is the folder that has 10k worth of items in it? What addiction did I used to have that I am unable to find now? Is it my 'favorite designers' folder? Most everything is organized well enough, but that folder scares me. I don't know why I tossed everything together by designer for a long time, it didn't help when I was in the mood for a dress vs pants outfit. It doesn't help when I want a particular top, to go with the new pants I just found. It has to be organized, it does. So, I should do that someday. Yes, this week, its on my to do list for this week! Shall we take bets on if it gets done? Even if it doesn't, I have been focused enough, at least, to delete a few things when I do go out and shop. Did I say shop? Did I shop?! Why yes, yes I did. Shame on me... ![]() I seriously just couldn't help myself! I'm tired of the winter items, tired of being cold and in those warm tones, I had to go find me some spring. G-Field is never one to disappoint, and I saw this posted on plurk (you don't plurk yet? Join here!) and I do believe I ditched Kerra at home to go and get this shirt! There are a few other beautiful floral shades, as well as a handful of solids (I grabbed the pink in the solid, of course). I had also spent a lot of time over at the last couple of days getting hairs, poses, and these jeans. Now, of course I put on the black ones just so you couldn't really see the detail, but trust me they are fantastic! Will be using them more on Style Card as well (another LOTD post by me recently, go look, mean it!), so be sure to peek over there once in a while. After those addictions, the last day or so, I ended up with almost 500 added to my inventory from hairs, jewelry, shoes, poses, seriously the list is huge but I had so much fun! First shopping spree in weeks! ![]() Why is that, you ask? What has curbed my shopping addiction? Well, nothing, I am still addicted to it, I just haven't had the time to shop as much between inventory insanity and most of all, Sands. Since before my last entry we have been running a guild together in EQ2 and oh, my, what a time sucker that is! Between the guild and the latest expansion, a new level cap we had to reach (the 2nd night, oh yea) and helping others do their leveling, I find myself hardly getting everything done online that I want to! Luckily we have been making sure to get time together and away from the grind and work of EQ2, but I have been enjoying so much of it with him. There is a lot of change in our future, things to look forward to, choices to be made, but everything remains absolutely amazing. Not much else to update on, visit not only the links below, but the ones above and check out some of the things that have been keeping me busy. Its been a great winter, now, on to spring! Someone tell the snow.... Dina's Duds: Top & Necklace: G-Field Pants & Hair: Ring: Paper Couture: Shoes: Ingenue Skin: Belleza Pose: Diesel Works Labels: Belleza, Diesel Works, Fri.Day, GField, Ingenue, Paper Couture |
![]() So this is what happens when no one is on, and I am left alone to wander around shopping. I end up filling in some of the inventory I just cleaned out but oh my goodness sakes alive, it was worth it! I got a ton of jewelry from U&R Dogs and I love every piece, you will be seeing a lot of it coming up. In favor of my flats addiction, I picked up a couple colors of these from Ingenue as well as some of her other fabulous shoes. The outfit, wearing My Boyfriends Jeans from Milk Motion and I have to say, I think they are one of my favorite pairs of jeans period! Top from Glam Affair, there is more to come from them as well. This is just the tip of the iceberg, heaven help SC!! Dina's Style Card: Shirt: Glam Affair Jeans: Milk Motion Necklace: U&R DOGS Shoes: Ingenue Hair: Skin: Belleza Pose: Labels: Belleza, Fri.Day, Glam Affair, Ingenue, Milk Motion, U and R Dogs |
Saturday, February 27, 2010
![]() It's days like today that make me painfully aware that spring is nowhere in sight! I did, however, do a little bit of shopping and found this awesome sweater by my favorite boot maker (go figure) Kitties Lair. The boots are a 50L friday item by Kookie while the rest was dug up out of my inventory. Its comfy, its warm, and exactly what I would wear when stomping out through the snow. No more storms though, deal? Dina's Style Card: Sweater: Kitties Lair Pants: Worldwide Industries Boots: Kookie Belt: Maitreya Hair: Truth Skin: Belleza Labels: Belleza, Kookie, Maitreya, Truth, Worldwide Industries |
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Labels: Belleza, Drawmachine, Fri.Day, Striking Poses, SySy's |
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
![]() So, my postings aren't always a LOTD, so its a good thing the blog isn't called Look Of The Day! Instead its Style Card, so I can come in and just share a fabulous dress like this from SLink and not feel at all guilty about not putting together an entire, awesome look. Its a great dress though, isn't it? Labels: Belleza, Fri.Day, Juicy, Ks2cool, SLink |
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Labels: Belleza, Kunglers, Phoenix Rising, Truth |
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Labels: Ibizarre, LAQ, R2, Truth |
Monday, February 8, 2010
![]() First I want to take a moment to mention a sale going on right now over at [42]. The designer of [42] skins is going to be taking some time away from new releases and as such is going to close her store over on Sn@tch for a while so she can take care of more pressing RL matters. You can read more about the sale and why the store is closing over on the [42] Blog! I did a little bit of wandering in a completely different release by Evie's Closet yesterday, but couldn't find a place to take a picture that made me happy enough. I chanced upon this sim and felt this dress by Evie was far better suited and couldn't help but sit and take a few pictures to play with. This is the kind of place I would love to vacation or even live, far from the city and away from any chaos or even street lights. Looks like a place you could lay on the hillside and watch the clouds roll by, or even count the stars on a clear night. Be sure to peek at my credits, included is a TP right to Evie's Closet as well as the location these images were taken from. I've been working with Kerra and now Fae on the Style Card blog and that has left this one a little quiet while it all gets settled. This morning I need to get in and add Fae's flickr and FB badges so that the sidebar is up to date. Things have just been too busy to get everything done! Weeks before last, Sands had a full two week vacation and we spent every bit of it together just spending quality time together when we could and working in EQ2. Now that things are a bit more caught up there I am catching up everywhere else, but its so worth it to fall behind. We laughed each night as our skype call times got longer and longer, I think the longest pushed 16 or 17 hours. Since we are working on running our own guild and raiding force again, he has been insanely busy. The man logs in and ends up in tell hell before the game even loads. It can be a bit stressful, working with so many people and wanting something to be a success, but he is an amazing leader and we are growing by leaps and bounds already! Even after 10 months now the man can still surprise me. Its been a good year so far, I'm happier than I have been in a very long time and even better? Karma is out there kicking butt while showing us she isn't unhappy with us in the least. Life is good, amazingly good, and I hope it is for everyone else as well! There is a new expansion for EQ2 coming out soon so I may be a wee bit slow on the updates again, but its worth it. Be sure to visit [42] as it closes as well as pop on over to our new blog, which we are working hard to updtae daily, at Style Card! Have a great week SLers, ramble at you soon! Dina's Duds: Dress: Evie's Closet Jewels: Balderdash Hair: Truth Skin: Belleza Location: Inis Caiseal Labels: Balderdash, Belleza, Evies Closet, ihearts, Truth |
Sunday, February 7, 2010
![]() I need to shop more, can you believe I'm saying that? I haven't really done much shopping lately but I need to get out a get a few things. Before I do that though I have to get in elbow deep and clean out my inventory! When folders take more than a second to open, its time. Its...its time. So if I am in world and slow to respond, its because I am cleaning it out. Going to do a few posts about what I find too, because most of this stuff I buy and then never wear! Who is with me? Early spring cleaning? Why is everyone laughing! Dina's Style Card: Dress: LeeZu! Shoes: Shiny Things Jewels: *G Field* Skin: Belleza Hair: Zero Style Pose: LAP Labels: Belleza, G Field, LAP, Leezu, Shiny Things, Zero Style |
Friday, February 5, 2010
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Labels: Belleza, Fri.Day, LandE, Nymphetamine, Storin |