Monday, January 25, 2010
Labels: Belleza, Kitties Lair, SLink, Truth, Zaara |
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Labels: Armidi, Beetle Bones, Belleza, Maitreya, Zero Style |
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Labels: Belleza, shirohato, SLink, Storin, Truth, Tuli |
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Labels: Belleza, Elate, Miel, Nardcotix, PDA, Truth |
Monday, January 18, 2010
This year has been insanely busy so far, and amazingly fabulous as well. The holidays are always extremely active, but since the New Year started I have been running around on overdrive for weeks! First just a lil bit of information about the graph information I am cursing you with today. While most people only play SL, there are some of us that are intense gamers and play other MMOs that include fighting, leveling, crafting and for some, PvPing (player vs player). I've touched on it just a bit in the past but when someone came to me out of the blue and asked if I was a bad PvPer I was a little bit surprised. No one in SL really plays EQ2 with me, save for Sands of course, so I had to ask why they were mentioning it at all. When I found out why I had to laugh, some poor uninformed ignorant soul thought the best way to attack me was at my PvPing abilities. Even better, it was obviously a blatant story made up for attention! Sands and I had a good chuckle and moved on. Then, last night we had yet another fantastic PvP fight with our guild and I just had to share! ![]() ![]() For the sake of the feeds I kept these graphs small, but simply click on them to see them larger and get a better understand of what the heck I am talking about. What we are looking at here are damage taken, and damage dealt, parses. Basically in a large battle you are going to have people that take the most damage (that would be Sands in this case (Zhouyu)) and those that put out the most damage...and that would be me. We had a pretty even fight, 19v19 though they did have a few people outside of their raid helping. Well, helping isn't exactly the word I would use for it since they lost! Oh yea, I love PvP in this form, a couple of large raids worth of people is far more organized than random tossed together fighting. These graphs basically show that we were both doing our jobs, and darn well. He took the most damage as the tank because he was doing his job of taunting and keeping people hitting him instead of the rest of the raid while in that graph I am pretty far down on the damage taken list because I was de-taunting and keeping people away from me with some of my spells. The damage dealt, well, that's pretty self explanatory. I hit hard, I hit often, I kill lots. Ahhh SL needs PvP. ![]() Ok, back to Second Life. I've been working pretty hard with Kerra and Sands on our new blog lately, getting the template done and the rest up and running. Having had strep throat this last few days I do admit to slacking on blogging period. Going to see if I can toss up a few posts today to make up for it and just post date them. Shhh, I have a cold, be nice to me!! Oh the best part to the new year yet? On the 3rd Sands decided that we more than proved to the SLworld that we aren't just a quicky fling and that being partnered was long over due. Some people partner at the drop of a hat, they partner often, and they unpartner just as fast. We both had talked about what it meant to us when we first got together and waiting just seemed to be the best idea. Neither of us wanted people to glance at it and say oh yea, well, it wont last. We have proven without a doubt that it has, and will continue to last for the long haul. I do love opening up my profile and seeing that name there, poor guy is kind of stuck with me now though huh. You can send your sympathies to .... Thats as much of an updated blog post I can do for now. I'm fighting with just 4 hours sleep and looking forward to a nap! More soon though, the strep throat is finally starting to get better and I feel semi human again. Yay for me, aww for you. Again, send sympathies to .... oh shoosh, no one is forcing you to read. Well, except you, yea you have to read...and you over there, no behind...yea you. Other than that the rest of you don't have to. Ok you do...have an awesome day SLers!!! Its been a great year so far and wishing you all the best for the rest!! Dina's Duds: Hey, I am wearing clothing in that picture! Hair: Truth Skin: Belleza Jeans: Decoy Top: Bublee Bing Labels: Avanista, Belleza, Buble Bing, Decoy, iheartsl, Truth |
Sunday, January 17, 2010
As much as people seem to have their cliques or drama, nothing pulls the community in SL together quite like a fund raiser. Second Lifers have gathered together and brought a variety of items for purchase with all proceeds going to the Red Cross International Response fund for the use of providing relief and help to those affected by the Haiti Earthquake. Dina's Style Card: Visit here and help with your purchases! Outfit (everything but the shoes): DCNY Skin: Belleza Shoes: Kitties Lair Labels: Belleza, DCNY, Kitties Lair |
Friday, January 15, 2010
Dina's Style Card: Skin: Belleza Shoes: NX-Nardcotix Hair: Maitreya Dress: Pixeldolls Pose: LAP Labels: Belleza, LAP, Maitreya, Nardcotix, Pixeldolls |
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
![]() This was the humpday special over at Sn@tch and I absolutely couldn't resist it. I have a massive folder of Sn@tch items that I need to go through as it is, so I have no idea why I TPd on in over there but I happily walked away with this and a couple other items. The shoes are also a recent Sn@tch release and sum up the look perfectly. No idea how long this will be up so sneak over and get it fast! Style Card: Lingerie & Shoes: Sn@tch Skin: Belleza Hair: Pose 1: Tuli Pose 2: Storin Labels: Belleza, Fri.Day, Snatch, Storin, Tuli |
Monday, January 11, 2010
![]() I received an update card from Ingenue about these shoes and had to slip over to find a pair that would be a perfect addition to my shoe collection. They come in such a huge variety of colors and combination that it was hard choosing one, but the dress (which was on sale on the opposite wall) helped me settle on a brown with blush accenting. Betty just recently remodeled the shop again and boasts of an outlet section gaining more items for you to go and snag so, go on, get to snagging! Dinalya's Style Card: Dress & Shoes: Ingenue Jewelry: Icing Hair: Truth Skin: Belleza Pose: Glitterati Labels: Belleza, Glitterati, Icing, Ingenue, Truth |
Saturday, January 9, 2010
![]() Just a part of Nardcotix's latest release, a beautiful gown and pumps. Wearing jewels by Shiny Things, hair by ::69:: and my traditional skin by Belleza. Absolutely stunning gown and look! Labels: 69, Belleza, NX-Nardcotix, Shiny Things |
Thursday, January 7, 2010
![]() New release by Atomic, sweater and leggings (sold separately). Lots of sweaters and sweater dresses right now, this one is my favorite so far. The leggings have bows that rest at about calf length but I had to toss on my favorite boots from Kitties Lair instead. Pose by the ever awesome Glitterati, hair by Truth and glasses (oh how I love these glasses) by Persenickety. Clothing: Atomic Glasses: Persenickety Hair: Truth Skin: Belleza Boots: Kitties Lair Pose: Glitterati Labels: Atomic, Belleza, Glitterati, Kitties Lair, Persenickety, Truth |
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
![]() Not just about a style today, the props are amazing! I think everyone should have at least one fun prop to pose with, these are currently my favorite worn props. Created by (*chanimations, they have amazing props, poses, and sexy little outfits. From feather boas to the fans seen above, lots of fun. From their words? (*chanimations is a store with items "ranging from magic, myth and fantasy to vintage circus themes and finally a burlesque mix of fetish and performance art...." Seriously, you are still reading? Go go! Style Card: Hair: Truth Skin: Belleza Everything else: (*chanimations |
Sunday, January 3, 2010
![]() I know, its still winter in the real world, luckily Dinalya lives happily here in Second Life where her lil feet won't freeze like her humans are. I fell in love with this skirt, and had to get the entire look from Bublee Bing. You can almost feel the comfort from the weight of it embracing your legs. I know, I know... Dinalya's Style Card: Clothing: Bublee Bing Skin: Belleza Hair: Truth Feet: SLink |
Friday, January 1, 2010
![]() It's going to be a long morning if I keep writing, deleting, and rewriting this blog entry. I guess I figure since its the first of 2010 it should be special, and nothing is quite making me happy enough to hit publish yet. I glanced back at my first post of 2009 and saw that this party dress never really got worn to its full potential so it of course became my 2010 dress. The look is slightly different compared to then, a different skirt option, hair and shoes, but its still absolutely beautiful. My favorite part, hands down, is the low dipped back that leaves a perfect backdrop for the jewelry I am wearing. I should get back in world at some point to take an additional picture of that, you can find it on my flickr later. I've tried to not sit and ponder over the last year too much on my own, but instead while talking to some of my closest friends and Sands. Its been a crazy year for me, and never in my wildest dreams would I have imagined myself where I am right now, with such an amazing new year ahead of me. I've learned a lot. About myself, about others, and much of that has changed because of SL, plurk, blogs, the community itself. On one hand I found heart break, betrayal, devastation and moments of depression for a while with a few people that turned out not at all to be what I expected. Then I watch as that hand turns itself right over and lets those people and all the negative emotions that came with them fall away into a year that has forever changed me. Surprisingly I am able to be thankful for every experience that helped me grow and make me a stronger person and leave it behind me with no grudge, or need of repair. I can simply smile at the lessons I learned and look over to the other hand. New friends have been filling my spare time, new games, worlds, challenges. While I met some of the worst people and some bad experiences, I also feel like I met some of the best and thank goodness they out number everything else. So, just to touch on a few highlights here this morning. Ha, highlights. Anyway! I could spend pages writing about the people that are in my life now but goodness knows I would forget someone or leave them out and they would end up with hurt feelings so lets just sum it up. You know who you are, and how amazing I think you all are and I am extremely thankful to have you in my life. Yet, what have I been thankful for the most this year? Should I do it in pinpoint format?! I haven't done that in ages.
Its not often you find someone that will open up about almost anything and everything. When that person opens up and you finally understand them, you can see them differently. It takes a lot to even do that, but I am forever thankful that I did, and that he did as well. I'm far from being a saint, or easy to love. I'm not kidding when I say I am stubborn and difficult. He has to deal with all of my bad points as well, like my jealousy, moments of insecurity and emotional tendencies. Thank goodness he thinks my best is worth all of the trouble I cause him! People would be shocked if they got even a moment to sit and listen to our conversations on skype. I look forward to shocking you all this year. So what does the new year hold for us all? Well, for me and my own, that is. More work on Grand Illusion as a studio and shape store. Who knows what else I might take a hand in tinkering with. Kerra and I have big plans, always plan big. For some other friends and us, we hope to embark on new things in SL together. What that is yet, we aren't sure, you will just have to keep an eye on us! I also intend to start another blog with some friends as well, seeing as this one has become my rambling ground. I like it this way, so no there will be no changes to Grand Illusion. It will be whatever I want, when I want, and I will share fashion in it just as much as before. For Sands and I? We've talked about all the things we want to do this year, from more time in SL together, more pictures, more friends and a lot more raiding and PvPing in Everquest II! Never thought I would enjoy a game as much as I have been enjoying that one with him. We will also be watching the amazing set of videos he sent me for Christmas. He spent to much! What else? Its limitless, but for one we are going to hit the one year mark together. A full year I might add, nothing on and off. Who would have thought? I know some people have had a rough year this last year, and others that have had one just simply amazing. That is my wish for everyone. Yes yes Sands I am being a care bear, but you wouldn't love me any other way. I wish everyone a fabulous year filled with love, friends, and much success. I can't wait to see what its going to bring us all. Dina's Duds (links to be fixed when I am logged in, so so sorry) Dress: VictoriaV Fashions Jewelry: Alienbear Hair: WAKA & yuki Skin: Belleza Shoes: Maitreya Labels: Alienbear, Avanista, Belleza, iheartsl, Maitreya, VictoriaV Fashions, Waka and Yuki |