Tuesday, July 21, 2009
![]() I know, I know I keep saying that I will just be coming in as often as I can and tossing up a fashion related post, LOTD, etc. However, this is a blog dang it! Blogs need text, they need stories and ramblings to keep people reading. They need a bit of spice, and life and...ok I have no idea what they really need but this is my blog and I figure I can fill it with whatever ramblings and nonsense I want! Oh, oh the power of text! ![]() It's been a pretty busy week her so far, and its only Tuesday! I'm really looking forward to a fabulous late afternoon/evening today in eq2, but this morning I took a little bit of time and snuck into Second Life for some shopping and found Coquette on the feeds. Throughout this entire entry all of the clothing, shoes and jewelry are from Coquette, a fabulous little shop that has already filled a couple of folders in my inventory. Once I organize it that is...yea, never going to happen! I like my mess, apparently. Just as I start to get organized a shopping need washes over me and off I go! Coquette is a perfect place to satisfy that need and the last image here was a gift for their group not overly long ago, be sure to join it when you stop by. ![]() I always love walking into a store and walking out with complete outfits, it makes my inventory just that much happier. With these outfits I included hairs from ETD, Truth and Magika, used poses from Striking Pose and Vain and one other (below) that I cannot for the life of me seem to find again. If anyone recognizes it, feel free to toss the information into a comment and I will modify the blog entry. So see, not overly painful with the rambling today, and it was almost all SL related! Imagine that...but don't expect that to be the case come, oh I dunno, tonight. Or tomorrow...or... the next day. Have a fabulous day people, its a beautiful day out there and I hope it stays that way for you all! Dina's Duds: All clothing, shoes and jewelry: Coquette Hairs: ETD, Magika, Truth Poses: Striking Pose, Vain, and one I cant seem to recall (last image) Labels: Avanista, Coquette, ETD, Magika, Redgrave, Second Life, SL, Striking Pose, Truth, Vain |