Tuesday, April 24, 2012
![]() One of the hardest parts about working in SL, even as support, is that it is a 7 day a week job. There is no weekend, or TGIF, especially since Sundays and Tuesdays are so terribly tough for residents. Last week, however, I spoke to my manager and got a full week of vacation to do some work on me, and my own, for a change of pace. I didn't do the normal stuff of SL, like some might of thought I would. I actually stayed away from SL. Even (mostly) away from plurk. At some point I realized that were it not for my job, and a very small handful of people that I care for, I don't think I would of come back at all. This makes me think I have been focusing on SL all wrong, that I have still taken *me* out of the equation and spend all of my time focusing on what other people want. I then looked just -two posts before this one- and saw myself saying the same exact thing! That I needed to focus on me...and then, I didn't even bother to do it! So, I took the week off. I mean, off. I got a lot of extra sleep, did a lot more cleaning than my family is used to, and reconnected with a few people that aren't on the pc at all. It was nice, but the week is over. Last night I snuck in some time to work on my sim, finding myself with 2k more in prims than I had a few days before. Its not nearly done, but above is a picture of one of my favorite spots so far. The What Next bikes and furniture are so perfect for spring, once it decides to get here and stick around for a while. The mesh shirt and shorts were my vacation wear, I suppose tomorrow its back to the grind....can I leave the shorts on? Dina's Duds: Shorts: Mon Tissu Shirt: ohmarie Shoes: Ingenue Skin: Glam Affair Hair: Truth Furniture: What Next Labels: Glam Affair, Ingenue, Mon Tissu, ohmarie, Truth, What Next |