Wednesday, May 19, 2010
![]() I woke up this morning with a little bit of dread as I headed in to see my Dr. Lately it hasn't always had me walking out in the best of moods. Today, while there was some bad news, the good far outweighed the bad and there has been progress. With progress I always seem to find a bit of renewed energy! I got a lot done today! From bunnies being organized, my EQ2 work caught up on (mostly lol) and the best part? Sands is at work in an extremely good mood. Hey, I get this unnatural high from making someone I love happy, what can I say? So I slipped into SL and found this amazing dress by LeeZu, along with a couple other pieces there that I need to take pictures in because they are oh so amazing. I was extremely excited to not have as many issues with the prims on this top as I usually do. This is big for me, my shape is apparently freakish enough that the scuplt prim hates my av, so I fell in love with the dress even more. It was spared from the 'Mod your shape so you can wear this' folder. Now, normally, I absolutely hate the ankle boot. Hate it. It has issues, it cant figure out if its a boot, a pump, a cross breed? It makes me wince, I cant wear them in RL and own very very few in SL, but...le just seemed to be the best shoe for the outfit, by Juicy. Look at it. Mocking me. Shut up shoe, I can delete you! ![]() Fashion aside, I loved that I once again have my own locations to take pictures. Those shown today are at the, now complete, location that Sands and I are now calling home. The building is amazing, and I will do pictures of that build here soon, and its definitely a place I could see us entertaining in. What good is a home if you don't have people over? I had to laugh, when he logged in to see the final work that I had done, when he said 'Tell me you don't want one of those security orbs that I won't be able to get in with.' Seriously? What kind of crazy person has a home, or any other location, that their partner cant get into? Eep, never mind, I don't want to know, its too sad to even imagine. I'm not only am thrilled to share the space with him, I expect him to enjoy it just as much as I will! I can't wait to finish sharing the little corners and decor here, its all perfect. Just like the picture below. The table and chairs are fantastic, and from MudHoney. The food, flowers, and credenza in the back left are all from Plush Pod, while the tray back there was a Christmas gift from NotSoBad last year. A mixture from most of my favorite furniture designers and I love how it looks. Anyone coming over for dinner? ![]() On to a bit more rambling, nothing at all to do with the furniture or fashion of SL, just my fingers letting lose on the keys. Things have been so good the last few days, still, and are a major part of why I am feeling a lot better and able to just maintain more than I had in the past. There is often RL stress, but it always works out, in the end. Sands and I are really enjoying the progression of our EQ2 guild, becoming bigger and better every week. I've been so proud of him, and how he has handled things and people lately, he really has impressed me more than I ever thought possible. Past that? He is also still supporting me through some of the toughest times in my life. Right now I can promise you he will be sitting at work, reading this, and smiling at his phone, his employees probably thinking he is still out of his mind for it, but thankful for the amazing mood he is in today. We've got it all going for us right now babe, and I'm still here fighting even harder because of you. Have an amazing hump day everyone. The week is half over and its going to be an awesome weekend when it gets here. I know I am looking forward to it, lets see what kind of adventures we can lose ourselves into! Labels: Belleza, Juicy, Leezu, Mudhoney, NotSoBad, Plush Pod, Truth |