Wednesday, November 4, 2009
I took a much needed break from blogging and even plurking over the last week or so. I needed a bit of time to get a few things done, and oh so much has changed that I didn't even expect. Really, between the flu, a cold (almost on top of each other, ouch!) and an entire sim pretty much dropped in my lap, other online insanity, EQ2, my time with Sands, the list goes on and on. My inventory has become even more insane than when I started the organization project, you remember? The one I quickly dropped for a shopping spree? Yes, that one, all a mess now thank you so much. I opened up my Object folder and just started dropping out boxes that needed to be unpacked. After sucking up about half of my prims on my last rented piece of land, I started unpacking them and watching my inventory fill even more. Pushing towards 45k now, I started digging for something to wear. Oh look......a gift from Mischief! ![]() Now, normally, you won't see me wearing shirts with text on them. First, its on the boobs, look what the boobs do to it, how sad for the text! Second, ok, there is no second, its all about the text stretchage! However, even though I am far from an SL hussy, the text on this one made me laugh. I love it, its eyebrow lifting and gave me a smile for the day. Hey, it could be true, somewhere there is an ex of mine doing something I taught him, right? Oh you hush, just nod, smile and say right! I tossed on my comfy drawmachine jeans and found some boots from ETD, and tada! A great outfit for working in, and trust me, working is all I have been doing in SL lately! There will be more updates on that as time goes on, trust me. ![]() Now, when I first started SL on this av I was a redhead neko who wore glasses all the time. Well, I dug out the glasses at least? I love them, but since I am not in world at the moment I couldnt even tell you were they are from. When I log in tomorrow, for more working, I will update my SLURLS. I'm just sort of blogging to make the time go by a bit faster and because I needed something to do. I hope everyone had a fantastic Halloween, here we have just gotten past my birthday (as of, well, just hours ago!) and are looking forward to Thanksgiving. I love the holidays, and this time of year, most of the time, I really do. So much work to do, but keeping my mind and hands busy helps me get through the days. With all of the projects in SL I am working on, a fierce raiding schedule on EQ2 with Sands and the couple of other games we have decided to play at leisure...its going to be an amazing season. Have a great Wednesday, people of SL, I hope its filled with as much happiness as you can handle...and even, a wee bit more that makes you so happy that people get sick of it. I love that kind of happy.... Dina's Duds Surroundings: Prefab by NotSoBad Top: Mischief (gift) Pants: DrawMachine Boots: ETD Hair: Skin: Belleza Glasses: Right above my nose be updated! Labels: Belleza, Drawmachine, ETD, Fri.Day, Mischief, Not So Bad |