Sunday, March 8, 2009
I still remember the first time I saw a gown from Silent Sparrow, long ago when they had a space in someone else's store. Its been years since I purchased that gown, and I still have it, adore it, wear it. I have to plan my trips to Silent Sparrow very carefully, or run the risk of spending every last L I have there. While lurking and plurking (I know) I saw mention of the latest release and as my L balance began to cry, I just couldn't resist a little bit of indulgence. I am sure the handful of purchases I made will end up on my Flickr feed in the coming weeks. The best part is I only browsed through three of the rooms, I know there is more that I have been coveting so a return trip is in the not so distant future. Featured for my poses today I am using the latest release by Diesel Works. I adore the personality and bit of attitude each of these poses entail, be sure to drop by the store to see the full set and pick up the first of a new couple pose series for only 50L (image to come soon!). Also featured is a skin from [42], one of my favorite skin designers in SL. This particular skin is from the Dark Matter series, in neutral. Anytime I am looking for a skin based on theme or mood, these are the skins I turn to. She never fails me! Last, to sum up the entire look I chose a pair of ankle boots from Lassitude and Ennui. Its been a while since I have visited them but I always look for an excuse to wear these shoes lately. Once I had gathered what I was wearing and poses, I was on the hunt for a good location this morning for a few decent shots, somewhere new. I was glancing through one of the feeds (I tend to do this when left alone to my own wanderings, its never good to leave me alone) and saw mention of Tableau. I love the new build and will be returning to shop soon, for this series I wandered off away from the shops into a small gathering of trees and was rather pleased with the results. I could easily spend far too much time here taking pictures, be sure to stop by and visit them! Remember to click on any image for a larger version. Often times, bigger is better. Dina's Duds: Outfit: Silent Sparrow Shoes: Lassitude & Ennui Hair: Magika Skin: [42] (moving soon) Poses: Diesel Works Location: Tableau Labels: [42], Avanista, Diesel Works, Magika, Second Life, Silent Sparrow, SL, Tableau |