"Grand Illusion..."
...living within my escape.
Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Exciting changes for Grand Illusion! We have moved!

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Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Happy 4th!

Wishing everyone from the States a Happy 4th!! I think I rambled a lot yesterday, and today my ramble would be absolutely insane chatter about nothing at all so...I hope everyone has a fabulous day!! I snuck over and took this fast pic with my bestie Kis because she was too short to reach both arms to either side of the flag and hold it up. Shortpeopleproblems. She also posted the pic and her style credits so see them below!!

Love to you all!

Style Card:

Whats on Kis can be found here!

On Dina:
Top: coldLogic
Pants: Maitreya
Shoes: Ingenue
Skin: Izzie's
Hair: Wasabi

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Tuesday, July 3, 2012


The pictures above and below here are some of my favorite so far this month. Oh wait, this is my first blog post this month, well who cares they are still my favorite! Look. At. Them. Oh sweet primmy sky home but I couldn't help but fall in love with it when I got the release notice from Leezu! I love absolutely everything about it. Everything seen here is from Leezu! except for the Dutchie bed. New home location is a-go!



What better way is there to break in a new home than with a pretty picture of the new release by Celoe? To be perfectly honest, I have no clue how long the dress has been out but I fell in love with it as I walked past to go get the new shoes. Oh. Shoes! If I could of I would of gotten every color, but I am so happy in these shoes that I have yet to take them off. The dress also meets every one of my prissy, girly, flowy summer dress mood right now.


Now here is something I haven't done in ages. I'm taking myself back to where I used to be, at the end of every blog entry I would ramble a little bit about, well, me. Its my blog. I purchase almost everything I blog. Why shouldn't I? Don't like a bit of RL mixed with your SL? Stop reading now!!

Things are going decently well! Tons of room for improvement, which I am working on daily, to get on track to where I need to be, but well all the same. The kids are all off for summer and the older ones are going to Virginia for a couple of weeks, starting this weekend. I am going to miss them like crazy but they will have so much fun with my in laws!

On the SL/online front. Well, I'm getting there! I know what it is I want, finally, and I know that I cannot keep expecting others to make sure it happens. It either will be, or won't, and I have finally accepted it for what it is. Working nonstop, trying to finish up the sim finally, and enjoying some raiding in Everquest 2 as I have been the last 3 years. I'm letting go of some guilt that has been eating at me for weeks and just going to refocus on being the best person I can be. Those that love me, and have been there through my struggles I adore you for it! I'm pushing past my issues and doing the best I can do and hope its good enough.

I hope everyone is having a great week! Hopefully I will stop being a lazy SLer and blog more often, I do miss the rambling! You pour souls....

Style Card:
Dress & Shoes: Celoe @Mayfair
Skin: Izzie's
Hair: Truth
House & Furniture: Leezu!
Bed: Dutchie

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Friday, June 22, 2012


The whispers and rumors around plurk today is that its a no panties day. Well, that was easy enough! Thought this top that I snuck over and got at the Leverocci sale was perfect for wandering around my new home panty-less! After neglecting their updates for a while, I picked up a few of the latest Truth hairs and this one fit well with what I was aiming for here. Wearing one of my absolute favorite skins, by Izzies, I snuck over to one of my happiest places on my sim, standing and staring out the window at the beautiful trees by HappyMood. They easily put me in a happy mood and are being spread all over my sim. The Mannequin and photo work on the wall are by What Next. I will be featuring more corners of my new home as soon as I get them done!


I could sit and ramble on and on like I used to, but shoot, who has time for that anymore! I hope that everyone had a fabulous week. I really did, honestly, even surviving the nasty humid heat. This weekend is going to be amazing! Why? Well. I'm finally riding solo! *smiles her sweetest smile and slips off to start her weekend a bit early*

Tree: HappyMood
Skin: Izzie's
Top: Leverocci
Hair: Truth
Decor: What Next

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Tuesday, June 19, 2012


I've been trying to come up with something meaningful for this, my 200th blog post, for a couple of weeks now as I saw the number creeping higher and higher with each entry. I think the point behind this, and what it stands for, says enough.

For more information go here: STAND4LOVE


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Friday, June 15, 2012

LOTD 6-12-12

Better late, than never! As the summer hits here, all of my well planned bloggage seems to go right out the window. This skin, by Ploom, was part of the Skin Showcase. Its quite different than my normal skin looks, but I wanted to see how it would look without having to play with my shape sliders etc and I was pretty pleased with the results!

LOTD 6-12-12

A few of my friends had taken pictures on my beach, I figured I better take a couple as well! Everyone blogged the newest dress by Maitreya, but when I went to look at it it just didn't scream at me that I must have it. I mean, its lovely, but lovely on everyone except me! Darn it too, because I really love how it looks on people. While I was there I couldn't walk away empty handed, so these jeans and this top quickly found their way into my inventory and on my av. I've been wearing this for ages just so I can get this blog entry out. As one of my friends pointed out these jeans have a 'great ass'. I may not change, I like the stares it gets!

Its a good thing I got the pictures on my beach anyway, the sim is now long gone and a new one with more prims has taken its place. I do this so often, it doesn't even surprise anyone anymore. On to the next blog and decorating a new sim! Its my happy place.

Style Card:
Top & Pants (Mesh): Maitreya
Bag: Lelutka
Hair: [elikatira]
Skin: Ploom
Shoes: Shiny Things

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Friday, June 8, 2012


Honestly, I may never ever take this dress or skin off. Izzie's Delusional skin and Anne dress have capture my soft, prissy heart and I have been wearing it all for a couple of days now. The skin is absolutely taking a spot in my favorites folder. The lips, look at them! Oh the kissable sweet lips! I've taken shots of all of the lips as well as the eye shadows, which I *did* wear with additional lashes NOT INCLUDED with the skin. Sorry about that! The final shot here shows the skin with the body/face freckles, which I love as well. If you haven't gotten down to the Skin Showcase, you need to! There are so many amazing skins like this one, you won't regret the trip.




Oh, and just for my bestie, look at that...I finally got around to another blog! 2 down and 2 to go, wonder if I will get it all done before the end of the month. I swear, you should be a better influence on me than this! Just saying....I caught her on my beach using it for pics, decided to snap this shot. I loved it so much I had to share! Find the details here.

Stranger on my beach

Style Card:
Skin & Dress: Izzie's
Lingerie: Whippet & Buck
Hair: Wasabi
Eyes: LAQ
Necklace: undefined lillies

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Friday, May 25, 2012

{.essences.} Moana skin - Skin Showcase

The SA Skin Showcase has opened and has some beautiful skins available! This special event is going on in a beautiful park with over 100 designers showcasing their best skins. I managed to get in as a blogger and found this stunning skin by {.essences.}. The {.essences.} Moana skin has so many options, from shadows to lips, blushes, freckles and lashes. A mole is even included, but I failed to get a shot of it. I have spent my day in this skin and am honestly in love with it. it fits prissy ole me!

{.essences.} Moana skin - Skin Showcase

{.essences.} Moana skin - Skin Showcase

{.essences.} Moana skin - Skin Showcase
{.essences.} Moana skin - Skin Showcase

esslashes{.essences.} Moana skin - Skin Showcase

The Skin Showcase is absolutely packed as this post is published, but don't give up if you are trying to get in! Its completely worth it!

Style Card:

Skin Showcase: Lake SLURL near Essences
Skin: {.essences.}
Eyes: LAQ

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Culture Shock

I finally got myself off to Culture Shock and first, I have to say, I love the way this was set up. I love being able to start at one point and just walk walk walk and end up at the same point, having hit every stand without having to back track and go along another line of shops. It was absolutely fantastic! I also am one of those people that wait until the last week because I like to shop without lag, and I got some amazing pieces!

Culture Shock

I tossed together this look with a few of my favorites. Lisp had this adorable stack of suitcases that I could not resist, another moment where I didn't even try! They fit in perfectly in this corner of my home. I also held no resistance for the boots by Ingenue. House of Fox has this fabulous Mesh skirt out, though it was a bit higher than I thought it would be it is still an amazing piece. I've always loved the style and with it moving with me as I walk, I'm in mesh heaven! The top was part of an outfit by Echo. Now, the hair I didn't get at Culture Shock, but Wasabi was there so I figured it would at least tie in. Yea, I cheated a bit there. I have an adorable necklace on from Caroline's Jewelry and, much to the shock of those around me, I picked up a tan skin from Pink Fuel. Last, but not least, I picked up a pose pack by Atooly. They are adorable, and I can't wait to use the rest of them for future bloggage.

Whew!! Everyone had such great stands at Culture Shock, I got so many great things and a lot of the exclusive pieces too. There are so many fun events going on, I can't wait to get to work on the next set of blogs I have pieces for already. See you on the grid!

Style Card:
Necklace: Caroline's Jewelry
Top: Echo
Skirt: House of Fox
Shoes: Ingenue
Skin: Pink Fuel
Hair: Wasabi
Suitcases: Lisp
Pose: Atooly

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Monday, May 14, 2012


In all honestly, I think I am longing for lazy days, but not at all having any! I've been wanting to blog the last few days but just haven't really had the time with so much going on at work. Staff changes, a massive project I just haven't been able to get done (sim builds that simply are not going to get done on time, doh), then there was Mothers Day where I couldn't stay sat at the pc all day! However, I managed to toss this together...finally.


The dress is from The Sea Hole (collabor88 item as well as the hammock) and the hammock is by Cheeky Pea. I absolutely love these items, even though I didn't pick up much at the event this time. The skin is Illusory with some makeup by Izzies and A.E. Meth. Standing pose by Fri.Day (wow, I still haven't cleaned up from pose fair, my inventory hates me right now lol) and one of my favorite hairs by Wasabi.

Oh lazy days better be coming soon! Things in other areas of life are settling down to where they are supposed to be. My stress has been slipping away and my friendship/relationships are falling into place. Its nice to be going to bed with a smile, instead of worry and anxiety, and then waking with the same smile in place. It can only get better from here.

Style Card:

Skirt & Top: The Sea Hole
Hair: Wasabi
Skin: Illusory
Eye makeup: Izzies
Shoes: Ingenue
Eye liner: A.E. Meth
Hammock: Cheeky Pea
Standing Pose: Fri.Day

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Thursday, May 3, 2012

I fully intended to do a post with some of the makeups from the Summer Beauty Festival but instead I got caught with some extra work. I do love taking on jobs for pictures though, so I didn't mind the distraction at all. Little bit of dancing with some good friends then wandering around the tons of sims we have at DSE to find the perfect spots for a few pictures. Sharing a few of them, the last two are my own sim, which is going to change again already! Work work work....






Finally off to bed and some cuddles. Been a really long but amazing day and I am feeling better and better as each one passes. I hope that you are each having a great week and hopefully I will get that post done tomorrow! Sweetest of dreams to whoever wanders through here...

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Tuesday, May 1, 2012

The only thing more unthinkable than leaving was staying;
the only thing more impossible than staying was leaving.

Blog fail

Someday you're gonna look back on this moment of your life as such a sweet time of grieving. You'll see that you were in mourning and your heart was broken, but your life was changing...

Both quotes from Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert.

The hardest thing in the world is mourning the loss of someone you love. Losing something you will never again have, another human who became so important and so much a part of you that losing them crushes you deeply, to your very soul. I am grieving, but my life is changing.
Fashion credits for the dress, its beautiful: Son!a


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Monday, April 30, 2012

April 30th

I don't often put myself on a beach for a picture, it's not one of my favorite places in RL, so not really an option for me most of the time. However this dress, the first time I put it on all I could do was imagine holding the skirt up to my thighs and wading around on a calm beach, slipping in and out of the shadows of the palms nearby. Tonight, I allowed myself to indulge.

April 30th

I think perhaps my eyes appear too large in this last shot. Hmm, something to adjust, and this week is full of adjustments. So much done already, and its only Monday. I hope you each had a wonderful start to your week, it is sure to bring amazing things.

Style Card:
Skin: Glam Affair
Hair: Truth
Pose: Everglow
Dress: Geometry (marketplace)
Eyes: LAQ

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Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Last day of vacation

One of the hardest parts about working in SL, even as support, is that it is a 7 day a week job. There is no weekend, or TGIF, especially since Sundays and Tuesdays are so terribly tough for residents. Last week, however, I spoke to my manager and got a full week of vacation to do some work on me, and my own, for a change of pace.

I didn't do the normal stuff of SL, like some might of thought I would. I actually stayed away from SL. Even (mostly) away from plurk. At some point I realized that were it not for my job, and a very small handful of people that I care for, I don't think I would of come back at all. This makes me think I have been focusing on SL all wrong, that I have still taken *me* out of the equation and spend all of my time focusing on what other people want. I then looked just -two posts before this one- and saw myself saying the same exact thing! That I needed to focus on me...and then, I didn't even bother to do it!

So, I took the week off. I mean, off. I got a lot of extra sleep, did a lot more cleaning than my family is used to, and reconnected with a few people that aren't on the pc at all. It was nice, but the week is over. Last night I snuck in some time to work on my sim, finding myself with 2k more in prims than I had a few days before. Its not nearly done, but above is a picture of one of my favorite spots so far. The What Next bikes and furniture are so perfect for spring, once it decides to get here and stick around for a while. The mesh shirt and shorts were my vacation wear, I suppose tomorrow its back to the grind....can I leave the shorts on?

Dina's Duds:
Shorts: Mon Tissu
Shirt: ohmarie
Shoes: Ingenue
Skin: Glam Affair
Hair: Truth
Furniture: What Next

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Thursday, April 12, 2012

Not So Bad

This entire post is Kismet's fault. Just quietly playing greedy, and bam, a link to a picture of this dress. We both oo and aah and figure out when its coming out, then I get to be the lucky one to snag the pics and blog it. I absolutely love it. Its a bit unusual that the belt doesn't come with the dress, its a separate purchase, and pretty much essential to the look of the dress. However, I adore it so much I didn't even blink when I bought it.

Not So Bad

Thanks to my wench for coming over and standing all over my furniture for pics! Muwah!

On Both:
Dress & Belt: Not So Bad

Dina's Duds:
Skin: Illusory
Shoes: G*Field
Hair: Wasabi

Kismet's Duds:
Skin: Filthy
Boots: Miel
Hair: Truth

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Grand Illusion...
...behind the mask!

Grand Illusion, to me, is a great many things. A place to share my adventures within the grandest illusion I know, Second Life. Exploration, friends and loved ones and best of all, fashion and the addiction that is, shopping! I often spend most of my time in SL working these days, but I still find time for the fashion, for decorating and landscaping and the pure obsessive nature of it all.

Grand Illusion Home
Past Illusions...
...my how things change.

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For the stalkers...
...I make it easy.

someone I gotta thanks

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*click the url of the resources.