Friday, August 26, 2011
![]() I've been missing blogging so much lately, but when I go and attempt to take pictures they come out like this. Oh, le sigh. My graphic card is a little old, so this week I am going to be pricing to see what I can do to upgrade. Not only that, this entire PC needs an overhaul, but I loved this look so much I wanted to try and get a couple of shots done. Big fat fail, with jagged edges, but I still love the look! Its a bit sweet, soft, innocent, oh yea, its completely me. Stop...laughing!
![]() I had someone a bit confused the other day, asking if I was a fashion blogger 'or what'....well, no. Not really. I don't even fake an attempt at being like so many of the bloggers that designers send their items to, you don't have to send me your items. I don't ask for them, I blog what I buy almost 95% of the time except for 2 designers who have tossed me items. I do also blog gifts from groups, designers have been coming up with some awesome pieces to gift their customers, but bottom line I blog what I love. Even if I do take blurry, or overly jagged pictures, I blog and do all of this for me and for fun.
Now, someone get my computer on board so I can enjoy this again. Right now all I feel is blah about my pics. Maybe its time to get into that 3.0 and see how that goes. This should be .... interesting! Skin: LAQ Hair: Truth Dress: A&A Fashion Shoes: Slink Pose: (pda) Labels: A and A Fashion, LAQ, PDA, SLink, Truth |