Saturday, August 27, 2011
![]() A little happier with the computer today, this picture didn't turn out all that bad at all. This is the dock over at the parcel of land that holds my meeroo's, yes yes I said meeroo's! Don't judge me, they are adorable. Anyway, was cleaning out my main folder and stumbled across this dress and jewelry by Izzie's and had forgotten buying it! I love it, pink and I get alone really well, and this dress is absolutely me. Its a nice day out here, as everyone on the East Coast is preparing for Irene to come and stop by. A picture off the docks as the storm rolls in seemed fitting.
Thinking of everyone out there that has to settle in for a nice long storm, I hope everyone is ok! Irene, be kind! Dina's Duds Skin: LAQ Hair: Truth Dress: Izzie's Pose: Dawn (no link for a current location available) Labels: Dawn, Izzies, LAQ, Truth |
Friday, August 26, 2011
![]() I've been missing blogging so much lately, but when I go and attempt to take pictures they come out like this. Oh, le sigh. My graphic card is a little old, so this week I am going to be pricing to see what I can do to upgrade. Not only that, this entire PC needs an overhaul, but I loved this look so much I wanted to try and get a couple of shots done. Big fat fail, with jagged edges, but I still love the look! Its a bit sweet, soft, innocent, oh yea, its completely me. Stop...laughing!
![]() I had someone a bit confused the other day, asking if I was a fashion blogger 'or what'....well, no. Not really. I don't even fake an attempt at being like so many of the bloggers that designers send their items to, you don't have to send me your items. I don't ask for them, I blog what I buy almost 95% of the time except for 2 designers who have tossed me items. I do also blog gifts from groups, designers have been coming up with some awesome pieces to gift their customers, but bottom line I blog what I love. Even if I do take blurry, or overly jagged pictures, I blog and do all of this for me and for fun.
Now, someone get my computer on board so I can enjoy this again. Right now all I feel is blah about my pics. Maybe its time to get into that 3.0 and see how that goes. This should be .... interesting! Skin: LAQ Hair: Truth Dress: A&A Fashion Shoes: Slink Pose: (pda) Labels: A and A Fashion, LAQ, PDA, SLink, Truth |