"Grand Illusion..."
...living within my escape.
Friday, April 29, 2011

GI 4-30-11

Yep, looking for spring, for spring cleaning, the bring colors and flowers, and changes. I neglected to blog again, for ages, but I won't come in with a lot of promises about 'I will do better' or some such thing, I will blog when I find the time and inspiration hits me. Do I want to blog more? Oh gawsh yes, I just need to make the time again! I miss it, of course.

However, things need to change in here! My inventory is pushing 60k, while this is low by some standards, I know designers and well known bloggers have an insane inventory count, for me its too high. It means, I shop to darn much!! Being more selective might be a good start, but that wasn't at all where I was starting when I hit up AOHARU and pick this up. I <3 it, and had to start blogging again just to find a reason to wear and share it. Paired with my favorite (even though they aren't anywhere near new) sandals by Shiny Things, its exactly how I wanted to laze my day around in the garden.

GI 4-30-11

Something is just bugging me here though. While I love everything else, I am not at all pleased with how my face looks. Make over, incoming! Will have to play with it depending on what skin I toss on that day too. I have this forever love for LAQ, but I need to broaden my skin folder to other stores. Illusory captured my focus for a bit, and I still have and love those skins. There are a few more I want to go and try, use, enjoy. I've decided change is just good.

Oh yea, and look, I am back here on Grand Illusion instead of SC now. Hmm, wonder what happened there? Well, I like it here better. Grand Illusion has always been my place to mix in a little bit of RL with my SL, to ramble if I want, put up pics and not say a word, or type for days. Most of my time has been spent working, working, working. At this point my job in SL has become a full time job. While some may think thats silly for how much I am getting out of it (my sim, cash, spending money, all in all it really is a lot by SL standards, RL time and standards maybe not, but this works for me and my family) its helping me get by month to month while I work on even more outstanding changes.

Overall, life is really darn good right now. Surprisingly, even with all the knocks and set backs, all of them turn out to be amazing and good in the end. Isn't it funny how it works out like that? So for now, I am taking the changes, and looking forward to spring.

Style Card:
Clothing: AOHARU
Shoes: Shiny Things
Skin: LAQ
Hair: Truth
Pose: Marukin

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Grand Illusion...
...behind the mask!

Grand Illusion, to me, is a great many things. A place to share my adventures within the grandest illusion I know, Second Life. Exploration, friends and loved ones and best of all, fashion and the addiction that is, shopping! I often spend most of my time in SL working these days, but I still find time for the fashion, for decorating and landscaping and the pure obsessive nature of it all.

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