Monday, November 23, 2009
While I haven't blogged as much this month, its been a good one! I've said it before, so it should come as no surprise when I mention yet another Pixeldolls sale going on, store wide no less. They have been with us as long as I can remember, and its always the perfect place that I take new, limited funded, residents to pick up a gathering of essential pieces for their inventory. A starting ground or stepping stone, if you will. Another long time friend (and I mean, long time, even just as an online friend) of ours has come back to join us in Second Life and Kerra and I enjoyed taking some time out today to get her all set up in a perfect 'look'. She was the oldest newb in SL, I swear, having been born in 2005 and still wearing freebie hairs and an AO that had maybe one pose in it, dumping her into the newbie stance over and over. Of course, we had a few wise cracks about all of that first, then took her shopping. ![]() I quickly found a wall that I basically purchased, once we got to Pixeldolls. I love mix and match pieces, but I have to be the laziest person when it comes to it, honestly. Because of that I adore the walls that they create of their pieces into full outfits. We all wandered, did our bits of shopping, and then traveled back to our sim to get some organization and pictures done. This is a process when you have three people with RL going on in the back ground, inventories that are now a mess from shopping trips, and a lot of chit chat interrupting as we go. Above I tossed on one of the Timepiece outfits, matched up with a hair by Truth (which we all ended up wearing as well) and a pair of the new shoes from Nardcotix. I adore the new lines that Pixeldolls has been releasing and happily snapped up as much of it as I thought my inventory could handle. The shoes I also fell in love with and yes, the fatpack is mine! ![]() After playing and roaming a bit casual for a time, we decided to do a few other pictures. There are a handful of them on my flickr page, but I thought to include the ones that I felt came out the best. Coming up with a look that you love in SL isn't really all that difficult nowadays, though there was a time it was a long adventure! Here we were able to set our friend up with her 'needed' items within an hour or two and tada, a new look is born (to our oldest newb ever, lets not forget that). Once we each chose something more formal from Pixeldolls we wandered out onto the back deck of our studio, which is the amazing build from NotSoBad. ![]() I love the build, I love the sim, I love these dresses and I absolutely love the women that spent the day with me. Incidentally, these are the same women that went out in RL with me on Friday for my birthday, all be it a bit late. I have never had a group of people that I laugh with more, or that understand me more, than I do right here. I may get frustrated, or frustrating, have my moments of insanity, and I know I can be more than annoying. However, I am so extremely blessed to have so many people in my life that love me either regardless, or in spite of, my many flaws and faults. Between these two, others that we know that just don't play SL, and Sands, my online escape time is perfection. They all understand my quirks, accept and actually enjoy my sarcastic playful sense of humor, and let me be me without judgment, and unconditional acceptance. I adore them for it, you guys are amazing. ![]() So much of my online time within SL has changed, but so much has stayed the same. We have the sim complete now, as complete as it is ever going to be since I am sure we will change things consistently. It is the home of the [42] main store as well as our studio, but the work part for me is the homes that I am working with Kerra to get rented out. There will be more on this as we fast approach our sim Grand Opening this weekend, and our first hunt for over the holiday season. There has been a lot of progression in the photography that I have been doing, more clients, and I've learned so much the last few weeks. I will never come right out and say I am an artist, or that I do amazing work, it is what it is and its mine. That's all there is to it, I enjoy it, I enjoy doing images for people in my own ways and I am thankful for the amazing support I have had from people as I go. ![]() Life beyond SL is still fantastic, lately even more so, if that was even possible? EQ2 had a wobbly week about a month ago, when Sands and I made the decision to switch guilds because we each were unhappy with the progression of bad attitudes by a couple members in the guild we were in. When I am in a game, SL or an MMO, I tend to still want to take care of others and what they need in the game before myself. It was no different in this guild but when people started bickering amongst themselves over loot, we decided this wasn't the online environment we wanted to be in. Before the move it was days in and days out of PvP with different groups, got my Overlord title and had an awesome 221 killing streak at one point. I've always done really well in PvP, in Lineage2 because I had to (died in PvP there once in all the years I played, I loved my class and miss it so much!) and now in EQ2 because its flat out fun! Maybe its more fun because all I have to do is run in and blow things up, couldn't care less if I died as long as we got our PvP updates, I can't even count my amount of suicide missions just to get the group updates and we had a blast! Its also nice running around in full PvP gear, now its just relax, raid and get a new piece here and there until the next expansion. Its been a while since we went out and PvP'd though, and my title has decayed, darn it all *shakes a fist at the Dev who came up with decay* Luckily the guild we joined is an amazing PvPing guild! Will have to grab my tank (thats Sands of course, he is an amazing tank I swear) and a good group and get that title back. ![]() The new guild is really amazing too, the people are so much fun and far more respectful than I ever would have expected in this game really. Sands was asked to be raid leader on our 2nd raid and has been leading and teaching them through progression ever since. He is having to turn down guild invites now, because our goal is to progress where we are and we really like the people, so why move? Lets see, beyond SL, beyond EQ2, things are still good! We are surprising the masses and coming fast to 8 months together, Sands and I, and are looking forward to amazing holidays together! I also fully intend to make him love his birthday again. Determined! I love birthdays, and holidays, and any time I get to spend with people I love online and off. The holidays are fast approaching us here and I hope everyone gets to spend them happy with the people they love. There are some awesome hunts and holiday events coming up in SL too! I cant wait to see the things designers are going to be bringing out, and the holiday spirit as it envelopes people. There has been so much talk about people needing to learn to lift each other up, show them the potential they have and treat them as the amazing person they are instead of tearing them down. What better time to start? I think now is good....onward and upward SL people! Lets go!! Our Duds: Clothing: Pixeldolls Dina's Shoes: Nardcotix Hairs: Truth Poses: CnS, Diesel Works, Gliteratti, LAP Aurora and Kerra skins: LAQ Labels: Avanista, CnS, Diesel Works, Glitterati, LAP, LAQ, Nardcotix, Pixeldolls, Truth |