Friday, August 28, 2009
![]() The debate this Friday, just a simple LOTD or put my fingers to the keys and ramble about any ole thing that comes to mind. I seriously should start a new blog for my non-sense rambling, but since I don't exactly have the time to keep up with that many blogs, you are stuck! Oh shame, I'm sorry! This has been a pretty good week, to be honest, even if it did start out a lil bit bumpy. Though trash day is Thursday around here, I took the trash out early in the week and with less toxic waste in my life I feel like 'this house is clean' and I couldn't be happier about it! I am once again focusing at least a small portion of my SL time to doing the same with my inventory, even going so far as to delete entire folders of certain designers clothing because in all honesty, if I know I am never going to wear it because its not me, or not created well, why hold onto it? It just means I am having to shuffle through more junk to get to the things I actually like, and those things just arent getting worn. With an inventory like this, that is a lot of stuff just sitting there unused and well, thats just unacceptable! I believe I first logged into SL today to go look for a better skybox, peeked into my panted outfit folder and just tossed this on but I absolutely love the look. The flipped up collar leaves a bit to be desired, I keep wishing I could flip it down, but this adorable shirt and pants from eLDee is very much *me*. It comes in a variety of colors, both the shirts and the pants, with prim pieces for the sleeves and that collar. I'm wearing a hair that, quite honestly, I love but it just doesn't work with my dash board bobble sized and shaped head. Maitreya creates fabulous hairs, I simply cannot wear them. A bit of a good angle and this one worked well enough though! I think its the forehead I don't handle well, I prefer hair with bangs and it is really rare that I find a hair bangless that I can wear. The shoes are, of course, Shiny Things, the bag is from LeLutka and one of the only half a dozen bags I even own. Instead of hunts, I should shoe/jewelry/bag shop. This sounds like a really good plan for Friday afternoon or the weekend! In all honesty, I have two 'weekends'. One in the middle of the real week that I get to spend with Sands, and quite frankly that goes by too fast and is too short. This past 'weekend' with him was amazing and I am a lil bit sad today that it was over so quickly. After having him in my ears for so long, it seems so quiet now. Poor guy though, stuck with me rambling in voice! Even after hours in skype he still keeps calling, and texting....I suppose being stuck with me isn't so bad after all! I must be doing something right to have so much of his undivided attention, when you find something that is just 'right' its...amazing. Yep, thats my first weekend, then the other is the real weekend that I spend so deeply buried by RL that I hardly see the light of an SL day! I will keep trying to sneak in a LOTD, and curse you all with a bit more rambling. Who just groaned?! All kidding aside, I hope that everyone has a fabulous Friday night and that your weekend is filled with happiness and fun times with those you love...RL, SL, and every L in between! Be warned, I am on the hunt for a new skin, random demo-toting images to come. That is, in between my own hours of escape with people that *I* love. Its nice to be surrounded by only them, its going to be a great weekend again! Labels: Avanista, eLDee, Lelutka, Maitreya, Redgrave, Second Life, Shiny Things, SL |