Monday, August 31, 2009
Most people that do a lot of pictures in SL will come in and say 'I've always loved doing photography in SL.' So, I get to be the oddball and say, absolutely not! I've been in and out of SL for years and I only started taking pictures to manipulate them and play around since about a year and a half ago. I've learned a lot of that short amount of time, not nearly enough to where I would call myself an 'artist' or charge eye popping amounts of money for my work. Matter of fact, when I do pictures for people I tend to do them for free and if they want to toss an L my way, so be it. I don't mind doing the work without charging simply because I do enjoy it, its part of my entertainment and the 'escape' so to speak. On days like today, where I have far more going on in RL than I have time for, yet still want to play in ![]() Simple stuff for a simple Monday. I hope everyone survived their Monday, the beginning of the week is always such a drag. Luckily for me I still get that second weekend starting tomorrow! Looking forward to a really good set of pictures for tomorrow, or at least that is the plan. As for tonight, its raiding, massive amounts of time with Sands when our RLs are quiet, and an evening filled with laughter. I hope everyone has the same because hey, you made it through Monday!! Labels: Avanista, Belleza, CnS, Fri.Day, Second Life, SL, TorridWear |