"Grand Illusion..."
...living within my escape.
Thursday, April 15, 2010

Everquest 2

The castle is huge. Almost as huge as the promise that was kept by just getting it. No, I'm actually not talking about SL today, but Everquest 2, another second life all together. We started playing on our server a year ago and one night we went to look at the 2 different castles that the game provided as top guild level halls. That night a few promises were made, including that one day we would have that castle. A couple of nights ago, a year in the making, that promise was fulfilled.

Everquest 2

Again, its huge! Its going to take us quite some time to finish decorating it and getting it to the way we want, but its been so worth it. We are now running our own, successful, raiding guild together. The guild is one of the top on the server, and fast progressing to catch up with guilds that have been around for over a year or even two. We have some amazing people, awesome classes, and are extremely happy with the work we have done in this game to get where we are. To think I fought him tooth and nail about even trying the game!

Everquest 2

The above, and below, images are of our room. It sits at the very top of the castle, and when I say the top, I mean the TOP! There are a lot of twists and turns and stairs and paths to take just to find this room, and its so ours. Another officer of the guild is doing a majority of the decorating (as seen in any other images save for these and the one of us) but I wanted a room of our own. I spent the better part of a day finding these items and place them out, who says SL is the only place you can do this sort of thing, and well? I love it! Many of the pieces are snagged from zones we have run, quests that have been done, vet rewards, and crafted by our own crafters. If ever the Lord and Lady of a castle needed a place to escape, it is us! There is so much going on and because we are leading the guild, and Sands is the raid leader as well, there is always so much to do.

Everquest 2

Everquest 2Everquest 2
Everquest 2Everquest 2

These are just a few more pictures (made small to not annoy people too much with my off topic post) of rooms and areas that our officer has decorate, her room, our portal room etc. There is a lot more but wow, I would fill about ten posts with it all! I haven't enjoyed a game and the people in it in such a long time, I really didn't think I would love this game as much as I do. Far more difficult than WoW and so beautifully created that I wish I could play at the highest graphic settings like Sands can! Yes, yes I am jealous, he loves to rub that in too!

Everquest 2

As for us, and yes, that is us in EQ2, we are doing amazing. I almost said still, but I think its getting better as time goes by so that wouldn't work. After a year together its like when we first fell for each other. We balance each other out, even our toons. No, he isnt mad at me here, thats just how his dark elf looks. See how sweet and innocent I am (stop laughing, I AM) so it completely balances him out. I keep him sane, because trust me the raid can drive a person right over the edge, and he makes me realize I shouldn't let people take advantage of me the way I used to. There are a lot of times where I look back and am absolutely stunned that over a year has gone by. It went so quickly, and we have so much left to do and look forward to. Though some just wont believe it, I am still in awe and so very proud of Sands and the things he has done, the changes, the way he has taken complete control over his life and is heading in directions most only dream of.

I've said it before and I will say it a million times. I only wish people could find a love like this, to find happiness, be as content and feel as safe as I do with him. If I could explain it, I would, but it just...is.

So here is to SL, which brought us together, RL that bonded us in a way I never imagined, and EQ2, that lets us savor our time in a place we call home. In a castle. Thats huge!!

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Grand Illusion...
...behind the mask!

Grand Illusion, to me, is a great many things. A place to share my adventures within the grandest illusion I know, Second Life. Exploration, friends and loved ones and best of all, fashion and the addiction that is, shopping! I often spend most of my time in SL working these days, but I still find time for the fashion, for decorating and landscaping and the pure obsessive nature of it all.

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