Saturday, January 24, 2009
I am pretty sure I mentioned this blog wasn't going to be all about fashion and shopping. If I didn't, well, now I have. If you took away the fancy clothing, the shoes, bags, hair, and all the other things we spend a vast amount of our time shopping for, what would be left in this 3-D virtual world? I suppose not much, but the key ingredient to having all of these other things are the people behind them. I think many of us forget that this is a social game, a world for people to interact with other people. If we just wanted a place to content create, I fully believe we could do that in some offline venue. I also don't think many, if any, come to this world just to create items. Beyond the world itself are, as always, the people. This person just happens to be one, if not the, most important person in my Second Life right now. No, I am not a lesbian and we are not a couple. A couple of oddballs, perhaps, but this is just my best friend. A long time ago we met as much smaller, and less animated avs, in The Sims Online. We went from TSO to There, as much larger and freer avs, with our jeeps and hover boards and spades games and chatting in voice until we couldn't laugh, or cry, anymore. We still visit There once in a while, and haunt Pogo together when we need a break from the every day movements of SL. Even better, when we aren't online, we can sometimes be found out shopping together in real life now as well, since my family and I moved across the country to the town she lives in. No, it isn't some big city or town you have ever heard of, but when we knew we would have to leave our old home, this was the best option for us. Now, online friendships are stretched and put to the test in a real world environment and I think, as I hope she does, we are doing pretty darn good. ![]() So even though our RL and SL has mixed, and I never do that, we still can be found out roaming around SL together. Shopping, as seen in a couple of these pictures. Last night it was a shopping trip for hair and furniture. We are each properly broke now, as one should be after a good shopping spree I guess. It puts off our next shopping trip, but we are good until then. Plenty of hair and clothing to fiddle around with, and with some new settings in SL and a computer to handle them? We are off to do some exploring, clubbing, visit a few events. If you see us, say hi. We don't bite, often, much...ok I bite, Kerra just sorta nibbles around the edges sometimes. Dina's Duds: Hair Truth Skin Redgrave Outfit Gothicatz Shoes ETD On be updated. What IS she wearing anyway? All furniture in these shots are by Plush Pod. If you haven't visited their store, you must. They have fabulous furniture filled with awesome poses. The price and the prim count made these two nutter shoppers extremely happy. Like I said somewhere, my house is 90% Plush Pod. Thanks to the plurkie who recommended them! |