"Grand Illusion..."
...living within my escape.
Saturday, January 31, 2009


It seems to be Festivale time. Maybe the snow is still falling and the air is frigid in RL, but Pixel Dust and Long Awkward Pose have come together to bring us a beautiful Festivale Sim for shopping and wandering enjoyment. Rolling hills surround rides, activities and big top adventures mingled in with a few shops to tease your pocket book.


During my visit I stopped in each shop and came away with Sticky Fairy by Winter Moon. I don't know what possessed me, this is just another symptom of my ever changing shopping style. I just couldn't help myself, I even walked away and went back to get it! It is so light, delicate, and was absolutely perfect for the area. (Please note, I did edit the belt, a little re-texturing of the belt, it comes with a red with white polka dotted belt originally) I found an out of the way area to snap a few pictures, not traditionally near the rides. I will probably return often, there are countless areas for photography and you can even rez a pose or stand. I literally love that and have a landmark set aside as another other Sim that may be used for pictures. It means I can drag the few couples that let me take pictures of them out to new places and toss them onto a pose.


View the rest of the photos from this series here on my Flickr Page. If anyone has suggestions of places to take beautiful pictures, please leave me a comment here or talk to me in world. If you would like photos done, feel free to contact me as well. To answer the number one question first, what do I charge? Its simple...I don't.

Dina's Duds
Outfit: Winter Moon
Hair: Zero Style
Skin: Redgrave
Location: Festivale

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Grand Illusion...
...behind the mask!

Grand Illusion, to me, is a great many things. A place to share my adventures within the grandest illusion I know, Second Life. Exploration, friends and loved ones and best of all, fashion and the addiction that is, shopping! I often spend most of my time in SL working these days, but I still find time for the fashion, for decorating and landscaping and the pure obsessive nature of it all.

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