"Grand Illusion..."
...living within my escape.
Tuesday, December 30, 2008

I'm no newbie to the blogging world for Second Life. I have been lurking and reading the blogs for, well, probably for as long as there have been blogs about Second Life. There is no remembering them all, or even remembering a lot of names (I am horrid at names, you will see this as time goes on) but I have always been a fan of the fashion blogs. The photography blogs have only recently caught my attention and drawn me in. The drama isn't bad for a bit of head shaking and entertainment when nothing else is going on.

All that being said, why have I the urge to blog? Its simple, to me at least. I have always had a passion for writing and been told I'm not half bad at it. There has always been a short story flitting around in my head, a character begging to be born on paper or some emo poem slipping out here n there. I have been blogging for almost a year now on another venue (find it, you can do it *hints by pointing at the side bar*) so it isn't as if I am truly a newbie anyway. Chic Mode was my first attempt at a blog, but I think the name alone kept me from expanding on it the way that I want to. That, coupled with moving cross country and adding another little one (that makes 5, in case anyone is counting) to our crazy little family, and Chic Mode quietly sat, waiting for attention.

Instead of just pouring myself back into Chic Mode I figured that the new year was a perfect time for a few changes. Who doesn't change things come New Years? Resolutions et all (to be posted later, you poor souls). Here it is, though I suppose I was cheating a bit by working on it the last week of December. Shame on me!

Now what will this blog really be? Easiest way to put it, it will be whatever I please for it to be. What ever whimsical idea that strikes my fancy for the moment will more than likely be blogged. Most importantly, I am not blogging for you. No no, you are just a bonus, whoever you are. I am blogging for a creative outlet that I may also associate with my Second Life addiction. Its my Second Lifes story.

So this was the start. Why am I started this in 2008 still? Uh, I dunno, I guess I just had the urge to blog.

Dina's Duds:
Skin: [42]
Top: Sn@tch
Shape: My own
Hair: Magika
Vest: (Checking)
Pants: Last Call
Shoes: ETD

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Sunday, December 28, 2008

Taking some time to get a good look and feel for this blog. This could take awhile, so please be patient and check back often for updates. Posting only so I may view changes, this post will self destruct in 5...4...3...2...

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Grand Illusion...
...behind the mask!

Grand Illusion, to me, is a great many things. A place to share my adventures within the grandest illusion I know, Second Life. Exploration, friends and loved ones and best of all, fashion and the addiction that is, shopping! I often spend most of my time in SL working these days, but I still find time for the fashion, for decorating and landscaping and the pure obsessive nature of it all.

Grand Illusion Home
Past Illusions...
...my how things change.

December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010 April 2010 May 2010 June 2010 July 2010 October 2010 December 2010 January 2011 April 2011 May 2011 July 2011 August 2011 September 2011 March 2012 April 2012 May 2012 June 2012 July 2012

Clicky clicky...
...but be sure to come back!

Ambiance Interactive Bows Down 4 Fashion Closet Crisis Confessions of a Second Life Shopaholic Curiouser Treasures Fashion ShopaholicFeed Forced Midnight Free*Style Glamorpuss Grid Expectations Grid Syndicate iHearts Iridescent Rainbows Izzies Just a lil eye candy... Khush La'Licious Designs Lilac Rose Little House of Curios Meta Virtual My Words Devour Souls Next Pointless Trend Nimil's Adventures In Wonderland Not Quite Pink ohhmaiblog Pas Assez Phoenix Rising Pixels on Parade Rez and Tell Scarborough Flair Second Look Sheek Simply Dou SL Blogger Support SL Style Hunter Snow's Daily Life ~SongBird~ Tane 365 What *Is* Willis Talking About?

For the stalkers...
...I make it easy.

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someone I gotta thanks

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*click the url of the resources.